ReelReviews14's Replies

>>> After the mod made a "play nice" plea, I checked the old IMDb threads (1700!). This was the funniest. Same old trolling. <<< I saved many of the insane MOS fanboy posts from the old IMDB threads. One of the funniest comebacks was a deranged MOS fanboy started a thread with the headline "MOS ranks as the one of the greatest films of all time" and someone quoted the title "MOS ranks" with the response "It sure does!" The show is watchable (though it begins to decline in quality once the "Pasternoster gang" shows up) until "series 10", when it becomes UNWATCHABLE garbage from the moment "Bill" shows up. "White Male dominated times" Apparently sleepingtiger is unaware that Doctor Who was produced by a WOMAN when it started 50 years ago (try googling Verity Lambert), and half the cast was female back in 1963. They could have easily made the show revolve around the main character's GRANDMOTHER if they wanted to. They choose not to. Iron Man would have sucked and been a crappy soulless remake of 1998's "Blade" -- copying the SAME tired plot but claiming to be "fresh and new" because Iron Man hunts down robots instead of vampires. The entire movie would have been dour, ultra serious and humorless. Iron Man v Captain America: Dawn of A Vengeance would have also been ugly, bleak, ultra-somber, and lifeless. They'd also shoehorn in other Marvel characters in forced cameos that have nothing to do with the plot. Thor would show up for the final battle for no reason, when Captain America's super solider serum somehow turns a dead Peter Parker into Red Skull. Guardians of the Galaxy would have a pointless cameo from Captain America, and play up how slutty Zoe Saldana is dressed the entire movie. The famous Marvel villain Magneto would be reduced to a supporting role and look nothing like his comic book counterpart, though it would get nominated for an Oscar for "Best Makeup" after show "Magnento" with giant magnets for hands. Thor would get some good reviews and positive response from fans of norse mythology for giving them a role model on the big screen, and they'd use it as an excuse to make... The Avengers: Ultron would be a huge mess where Ridley Scott has to step as director for reshoots after Michael Bay did most of the movie. They would create Iron Man's hair with CGI after the actor had to shave his head bald for another movie role. The Incredible Hulk would show up for the first time and have dark red skin because Michael Bay thought it looked "more badassy and represents just how ANGRY he is!" After the movie failed to break $100 million, Marvel fanboys would blame "superhero fatigue" for it tanking instead of the people who made the movie. Way to go Laurence Fishburne!!!! He's a very good actor who was sadly miscast, in an embarrassment up there with John Wayne as Genghis Khan. I wish Fishburne had been Captain Sisko in the 90s instead of the untalented "actor" Avery Brooks. Now, Amy Adams, Chris Pine, Jeremy Irons, and Gal Gadot should follow suit. Appearing in these crapfest Snyderverse movie is beneath their talent. I would never claim its a "carbon copy" and "just like" The Avengers. The Avengers was a GOOD movie. This pile of dung isn't anywhere CLOSE to "good". >>> DCEU was doing okay with Man of Steel <<< No they weren't. Man of Rehash was DOA the moment Nolan and Goyer got lazy and decided their "reboot" would actually be a pathetic REMAKE of Superman 2 INSTEAD of a storyline for Superman we HADN'T seen on the big screen before. Then Snyder directed Man of Rehash as a "Transformers type" movie and it was downhill from there. The "DCEU" was stillborn when their crappy "Reboot" got WORSE reviews than the "failed" film they were SUPPOSED to be "improving' on. >>> Totally makes sense to reboot a movie that's been in theatres for a week and is earning hundreds of millions of dollars, thanks for that stunning insight. <<<< Interesting, you just made an excellent case why Superman Returns should NOT have been rebooted. I agree 100%. Things would be 10X better if the crappy Snyderverse was never inflicted on the public. Fair enough, but its gonna suck for you in January when I resurrect this thread to show you just how wrong you were. >>> Jesus! You Marvel fanatics act like the Marvel universe is absolutely flawless, So how about you Marveltards get off your high horse, the Marvel universe ain't all that. <<< Ummm, that's funny. I haven't seen ANYONE on this thread arguing "the Marvel universe is absolutely flawless". In fact, I haven't even seen anyone MENTION the MCU aside from you. How about MOS fanboys stop pretending ANYONE who criticizes this movie is a "Marveltard"? >>> well I hate to burst your bubble but the Marvel cinema universe has its fair share of cringe worthy moments... to name a few the emo Peter Parker's retarded little musical number as he's parading down the street in Spiderman 3 <<< Not sure why you're bringing up Spider-Man 3, as that film was made by Sony and is totally independent of the current MCU universe made by Disney. For the record, I didn't even remember that scene until people on the internet started sneering about how awful it is. I've since rewatched it half a dozen times on YouTube and I see no problem with the scene. It perfectly conveys how Peter Parker has become a douche due the influence of the black spider-suit. >>and last but not least that atrocious remake of The Fantastic Fore.<<< Okay, that one I agree with, but again, the POS Fantastic Four remake has nothing to do with the current MCU. It was made by 20th Century Fox, NOT by Disney or Marvel Studios. Bringing it up to bash the MCU would be like me bringing up The Return of Swamp Thing to bash Warner Bros. >> the embarrassing "dance off" number in Gay Lord's of Galaxy << I also thought Guardians of the Galaxy was the most overrated Marvel adaptation ever. At least this time you managed to name an ACTUAL movie that is part of the MCU. Still, the fact it had cringeworthy moments won't change the fact that the Synderverse sucks monkey balls. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. Well I use and IMDB2 now, and I us the same screenname I did on >>> So, how do you feel with the DC/Fascist dictatorship of Scaab in that poor site? The guy is a known DC Fanboy/MoS lover. That he is the moderator of those boards are way over my understanding. Whoever put him in charge is dumb or a DC Zealot. <<< He can't be as bad as the mods on the old page. They would let obvious troll posts from MOS fanboys with titles like "Petition to give Odum a brain" stand, but pull completely benign threads that made Man of Rehash look bad, like the one I wrote discussing how Zack Synder's films had gotten worse and worse reviews over the years. >>> I wish we had TJ and Midas--then it would feel almost exactly like IMDB again. <<< Forget them. I wish we had Zodfrey and TheMightyThor2 on here. They truly exposed how awful Man of Rehash was. Those were the days! Here are some possible categories I think the film can win awards in: Worst Picture Just-Us Fatigue, Warner Bros. Pictures Worst Director Hack Synder AND Joss Whedon, Just-Us Fatigue Worst Actor Ben Affleck as Batfleck Henry Cavill as Pseudoman Jason Moama as Rob Zombie's Aquaman Ray Fisher as Cyborg actor Worst Actress Amy Adams, Just-Us Fatigue Worst Supporting Actor Jesse Eisenberg, Just-Us Fatigue Worst Supporting Actress Connie Nielsen, Just-Us Fatigue Worst Screen Combo Ben Affleck and his BFF (Baddest Friend Forever) Henry Cavill in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice The entire cast of once respected actors in Just-Us Fatigue Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-off or Sequel Just-Us Fatigue Worst Screenplay Chris Terrio AND Joss Whedon, Just-Us Fatigue Worst New Star Ezra Miller, Just-Us Fatigue Worst Musical Score Danny Elfman, Just-Us Fatigue Worst Visual Effects Just-Us Fatigue Worst Written Film Grossing Over $100 Million Just-Us Fatigue Worst Reckless Disregard for Human Life and Public Property Just-Us Fatigue Worst Movie Trends of the Year Movie studios trying to quickly cram "Shared universes" together by announcing 20 movies at once before making ONE good one (e.g., Universal Studios & Warner Bros.) Worst Excuse for an Actual Movie (All Concept/No Content) Just-Us Fatigue Worst Eye-Gouging Misuse of 3D Just-Us Fatigue The Barry L. Bumstead Award (For a movie that cost a lot and lost a lot) Just-Us Fatigue >>> I'm not kidding, if anytime in the last 3 years someone tried to tell a JL movie could open below 100 Million, I literally could not comprehend it..... <<< I would have told you that in 2013, if you told me Hack Snyder was the one directing it. Man I miss those days! Aside from predicting Man of Rehash would win a slew of Razzies, EVERY prediction I made about the "DCEU" has come true. My batting average is literally 99.9% when it comes to exposing Warner Bros. and Nolan/Snyder/Goyer's garbage. I remember when I predicted four years ago that there would NEVER be a Man of Rehash 2 and the fanboys endlessly mocked me for it. Who's laughing now, fanboys, who's laughing now?! >>> Maybe Matt Reeves will save this universe (although I was slightly disappointed by his War for the Planet of the Apes). <<< Nothing on earth can save this universe. It was stillborn with Man of Rehash, and they've been trying to prop up the corpse with destruction porn and bad CGI. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Getting rid of this turdfest "universe" is four years overdue!!! Die, "DCEU", DIE!!! Now they need to bring back Brandon Routh and apologize for firing him and inflicting this GARBAGE on us to BEGIN with. DIE, "DCEU", DIE!!!