roxi1st's Replies

It is more realistic. And I love how they're both right. Doc has this innate wish to do good things while Carlos has a cold analytical side that's factually correct and rubs Doc the wrong way. For me, the only Alex storyline I liked was when she just got to the fire station and the guys started to believe she was assaulted. She and Jimmy had a real nice bond. Afterwards she kinda faded out, for me. Bobby Cannavale striked me as a bit too sure of himself cause he asked for more screen time. He wanted to be like the main character. When that wasnt the case he asked to be written out. I still believe he shouldve stuck it with this show cause his career might have taken off after he became more known. I cried so much for Bobby when he died, it was awful - I still remember his death as one of the most impactful deaths on screen ever. Also, Doc. He had a wonderful exit that was impactful too, his exit raised awareness on medical staff burnout. Michael Beach asked to be written out cause he lived on the other coast and never saw his family. Regarding Kim and Eddie, idk why they wanted out, maybe they had other oportunities although I never saw Kim in anything until Greys Anatomy. Oh, those shows dont even compare to Third watch. Everyone is so vanilla and perfect at all times that its annoying. I loved Third watch because at least it was realistic. Anyone who watched it can make an extensive character description on Bosco, Faith, Sully, Ty Davis, with the good and the bad. On the other hand, in Chicago F+PD, I wouldnt recognize the characters if they didnt have different faces. They're all pristine characters with no faults. I noticed a huge fan base for Buck and Eddie to get together which for me rings odd, as I can see Buck being open but I dont see Eddie at all. So I think the idea got to the writers ears as they're exploring this topic on Buck. Yes. She would very much be safe with Ed Burnett as he loves her and would protect her from everything. And by that I mean EVERYTHING. She'd probably become his wife and a little bit his hostage. Ed Burnetts obsession would protect her but also limit her a lot in her choices. how tf do you know? how do you know he DIDNT rape those women? esp. since there's not ONE, but MANY. Hi, remember me? Its 3 months later and I just read your comment. First off, kudos on knowing that when someone is insistent doesnt mean they are right. Congrats. Hope this applies to everyone including you though. Second. I am a woman. I do not use prostitutes. Third and final: so, I believe strongly that its a smart thing to get 20k if someone is poor even if it involves humiliation bc I can choose how I feel about it regardless. And you believe its too humiliating to do that. Good. However - is this world allowed to have opinions that are different than yours? Because it seems to me that after I had the 'audacity' to have my own opinion suddenly I am 'lying' and 'using prostitutes'. Seems to me someone grew up quite insecure. Good luck with that. If the boy was the product of Rava and a donor from a filing cabinet and the girl was adopted then what Roman was saying was that they are not the rightful 'successors' according to Logan, hinting that the child Shiv will have will be the true bloodline. For 50 bucks? Say hello and shake your hand. - I'm talking about 20k dude. I could buy a car with that money. In certain countries, I could buy a house with that money. Also - let me explain something again cause apparently the first time was unsuccessful: I am the person that chooses the meaning of what I do. What I do and what it means to ME, that's what matters in the end. How I live with myself. So in this particular case, I notice 2 assholes who want to humiliate me by the situation they created. I weigh my options: I'm a waitress at a high end restaurant so I do pretty much ok but not golden. 20k would help me. It's a smart choice to do it regardless of what it means to them. Again, what other people do and how they interpret what I'm willing to accept, they choose the meaning of that and that belongs to them. Because everyone is allowed to their own interpretation. However, at the end of the day they go home with the satisfaction of being assholes, something they'll forget until the next day and I go home with 20k. I'll also remind you that some people resort to prostitution in order to put food on the table. That's also humiliating yet they do it with no remorse. And I'm sure they don't get 20k for that. So licking water off a table while 2 assholes enjoy themselves seems like a sweet deal to me compared to that. Yes. Sherlock BBC, the set design, the wardrobe design, the writing especially, the character background, they made a series that is incredible and very hard to forget. Even though I've watched Elementary's Sherlock and Sherlock Holmes the movies, I think the best character writing should go to Sherlock BBC. Benedict Cucumber - its his best role. But it's the writing that makes a good show. The actors just play it. ---- PS. I always laugh my ass off when I watch the chasing scene and off gets Mrs. Hudson. A moment later, when approached by a police officer: "Do you know how fast you were going? - Mrs. Hudson looks completely indignated: "Of course, not, I was on the phone!" Yeah... the waitress felt humiliated because those assholes put humiliation on the table. However, here's my take. Im a waitress, i get a 20k tip for licking a freaking table? Im licking it clean and smiling while doing it. They can look at me however they want and think its humiliating. Its all in MY attitude, not theirs. I didn't get the feeling that Domino didn't want him. I got the feeling that she knew the life she had, she knew the life she would bring Andrew into and chose not to. She was the one who was "tangled" - her word. She didnt want to get a 20 year old stuck in her own tangle. Because she also knew he would stay stuck there for them. From my perspective I see this as love going both ways. I'm sure he could if he had lines written for him. However, I hope they never revive friends, I love that show. Watching a season 11 would be painful as the writers most definitely wont be the original writers, the jokes would suffer, the writers today write very vanilla and woke. it would be a very different style than the original show and it would wreck something thats been perfectly told and closed. I recall Netflix or HBO paying something like $100 million just to have the rights to air Friends on their platform. Also, the gigantic number of subscribers who stay just for Friends I think justifies the costs. Based on that, bringing them back for a reunion of 1h30min is just good marketing, people subscribed, stayed, they made their money back in no time. You clearly have issues that generated this way of thinking and I hope you've dealt with them since. But in order to clarify some things I'll say this: If things had been done to "SOME" kids or A LOT of kids please realize that this is NOT NORMAL and NOT OKAY. You can't possibly be thinking that "if it's everywhere then its okay". Children can't process their emotions properly. They process this trauma internally and grow up to be drug-users, cutters, suicides, and in the good cases depressed all their lives because they feel like it was their fault. So NO, bad things werent done just to SOME kids. If each of those priests abused 1 kid each then it's at least 90 kids. After the phone calls there were over 600 just in the Boston area. Think about it. I agree - there were some bits here and there. But you cant build chemistry when the two main characters live in separate cities. It's all based on 'remember when we did this and that 20 years ago?' and we, the audience, dont remember because we havent seen it. It's like me saying 'oh, I love Bruce Wayne and we had the most amazing love story'. Thats not engaging because its in the past. It wouldve been engaging if they filmed the whole poker game, the whole story, their chemistry, the break up, and so on. If they did that, then maybe they wouldve had something to go on 20 years later. Dont wanna rustle any feathers here but whatever I've seen Bale in shows me that he himself is a 'one man show' not a team-player. When you watch his interviews, he comes off as very serious guy to a point that to me seems a bit frightening. He's engulfed in his own ego probably thinking 'oh, I've done this masterpiece with Cristopher Nolan, I'm not about to wreck it's legacy with this garbage'. So he wouldnt be caught filming this because it doesnt revolve around him and because he would have to get off his high horse. He was laughing but there was no joke. That's a sign something is off. "completely different roles, like a assassin or something." - watch Derailed The morning show is her best work yet. Yes to all of the above. In between her crying in the bathroom and the end scene there shouldve been more content. KS resemblance is spot on.