roxi1st's Replies

They were all in the wrong and in the right, I think this is the purpose of the film. Matt Dillon - abusing his power as a police officer to harrass anyone who doesnt comply, esp. black people, yet does everything in his power to not let a woman die. Ryan Phillippe - does everything he can to defuse racist situations, inexperienced, ends up killing a man by reacting too fast. Ludacris - thief by day, propaganda about racism, liberates the asian people from the van Sandra Bullock - terrified and racist white woman ends up realizing not all white people are great and not all black / mexican / other races are criminals Brendan Fraser - sees nothing but his own political agenda ahead, cheats on wife Don Cheadle - good and responsible detective ends up sending someone to jail to serve the system for his own gain (his brother getting a jail free card) and yet his brother ends up dying anyway. His mother ends up hating him even though his brother didnt do anything for her. The producer - peaceful man, wants to do everything to satisfy everyone, ends up having a meltdown with full police force against him not caring at all. Ends up helping the car thief JUST because he's black too. This is reversed racism. The persian store owner - so angry all the time, so quick to jump to conclusions, ends up either crazy or at peace because of the trauma he almost caused. Also, to answer your question, the little girl heard a gunshot as well a few nights before so it seems to me that area wasnt as gun-free as her father thinks. We're supposed to see an officer who's new to the job. He's new and not racist. He checked the producer at the initial stop so he knew him. At the 2nd incident, even though the producer was verbally aggressive, he knew to defuse the situation especially because he knew him from the initial stop and he wanted to avoid a situation where his trigger eager colleagues wouldve shot him because he's black. But remember he's kinda new, based on what officer Ryan told him ("wait a couple more years and you'll see"). This scared him. He's also alone in a patrol car with a radio malfunctioning. And the scene in question... he was alone, picking up a black man hitchiking at night as to prove to himself that he's not racist. But at some point he started to feel unsafe especially because the passenger started laughing with no reason. He interpreted the situation wrong and acted without thinking. That was an unintentional killing - manslaughter I think. He became a murderer when he torched his car to get rid of the evidence. Brandon Routh's Superman brings some of the naivitee of the original Christopher Reeve Superman, his film is lighter, has a simple narative and is much more watchable than Man of Steel. I loved the kid storyline. On the other hand, as a PRO: Henry Cavill is gorgeous, his massive build looks great on screen while portraying Superman but CON: the whole tone of Man of Steel is much darker and I would say Man of Steel is drama/ SF while Superman Returns is Action /Adventure / SF. Story: Superman Returns CGI: Man of Steel Actor: Henry Cavill is hotter and gives Superman an appeal thats hard to beat but Brandon Routh is a better fit for the role. LE: Kate Bosworth was a much better Lois Lane than Amy Adams could ever be. Amy Adams is a great actress but she just doesnt click as Lois Lane! Not to mention, as chemistry - in Superman Returns? Brandon Routh + Kate Bosworth - Palpable. - in Man of Steel? Henry Cavill + Amy Adams - Nonexistent. She gave away the money because she wanted to rush to the end. She knew she was going to die in Paris. As in - why postpone something that she already decided? This character was a woman of action. Like her life was continuously full of events, of trips to Vail, living like the high-class socialite she was. So she was used to living in a rush, she was experiencing a high by doing all these things and she decided that life was not worth living at a slower speed, with lesser possibilities. i wouldnt put it that way - they havent beaten her character to the ground... i feel like april shouldve had this faith crisis seasons ago, its a storyline that matters as to see how people respond to critical events in their own beliefs and how their behavior changes accordingly. even if she dies or she doesnt, at this point we know april is leaving the show so its gonna be dying or by leaving somewhere else or taking time off or something. i really disliked her at first and especially when she got with jackson and had all that morning after crisis - it was numbing to watch, but over time i got used to her... its gonna be an emptier show without arizona and april thats for sure.