Lancecam88's Replies

Her success is largely dependant on her enemy's stupidity. But she had more than enough opportunity to release dragon fire on them between reloads. She also seemed to be charging at them head on without having any intention on burning the crap out of them. Marrying you cousin is not even remotely the same as marrying your aunt. So, you are untrustworthy and ungrateful. That was odd to me as well. Seriously, I was thinking the same. They are not fast enough to react to dragon fire, but all she does is charge them without saying the words thAt will kill them. He still has stark blood and from what we see in the show the starks and pretty much all the people in the North are not known for their intellect. It is somewhat different having a relationship with your aunt/uncle than it is with a cousin. Also, the only marriage that involved 1st cousins that I can think of Tywin and Johanna. Lysa also suggested Sansa marrying Robin but she was not the image of sanity. The lannisters family tree would look very interesting. He should have immediately told her that he had no interest in the iron throne we he inappropriately brought up his true origins. It was obvious she was shaken by the idea of having a another claimant to the throne and instead of reassuring her he just stares at her. No, they were informed that the army of the dead would be there before sunrise. There were several instances were they would be discussing there plans as a group and when they dispersed and leaving Jon and Daenerys alone he would walk off and she noticed his avoiding behavior towards her. Regardless, it was still inappropriate to bring that up considering the bigger priority ahead of them. They had plenty of instances were he could have told her. If you recall he was avoiding her. Basically. The thing that gets me is that Daenarys could have fought and defeated cersei in such short time that they would still have time to prepare for the great war against the dead army. There would have been no need to go beyond the wall to capture a single wight and therefore Daenerys still has her dragon and the wall is still standing and. In the end it is basically all Tyrions fault. I may be wrong, but I recall one of the white walkers perhaps being alerted to hser nearby presence. A few seconds before Arya pops up they focus on one of the walkers turning his head as if he felt someone near. Come on! explain yourself...or can you not? How can you take that comment as literal when they were not even aware of the white walker existence seven years ago? Hmm? I still do not see the relevance f your answer. And I am confident that the 7 year remark was not literal. What are you talking about? What do the Boltons or battle of the bastards have anything to do with the way the starks prepared for battle against the army of the dead. When Catherine Parr is with her dying husband and she tells him that she "has something to tell him" he turns to her and says "go to hell" and dies. What little brother prophecy? Never mentioned in the show. You still do not get it.