Lancecam88's Replies

You are not a very bright person. Just like sansa, you fail to see the the bigger picture. She is losing her grip because in a short span of time she lost two dragons two people she loved and the northerners are being ungrateful little shits. She sacrificed alot to help the Northerners and she never even demanded that they bend the knee. She has no family and those that were closest to it are now dead. He bent the knee because she decided to help even if he did not bend the knee and that showed that she was a good leader and a decent person. Stupid, just like Sansa. Because she currently being unreasonable as well as being ungrateful to the help and sacrificing that Daenarys has given and suffered for them and undermining her as well as betraying Jon for her own ambitions. This is a time they should all be united and that scheming bitch is creating fractures from within. Perhaps she didn't suffer enough. Varys and hopefully sansa. No, he is betraying Daenarys and he, like Sansa, is a liar who can't keep promises. He needs to be gone and in a severe manner. She came to westeros with the most powerful army in the world with powerful allies. In that short time back home she, because of listening to that brainless imp, practiced restraint and is now in a losing position. The Northerners and stark sisters are ungrateful cunts who show her no respect despite the sacrifices Daenarys made and she now lost her 2 best friends and a second dragon. Fuck restraint. A big part they experience is her sacrificial choice to help them fight the dead. She lost a dragon in an attempt to rescue their brother. They were dead without her. They know she wiped out slavery in Essos. Those are very big actions that give them a look into her character. They are being ungrateful to her. But the starks are not known for being wise. The people that betrayed them never did what Daenarys had done. I always saw it as she viewed the title as demeaning and people like Sansa the only image as one. When Gendry realised who she was he exclaims "so your a highborn! A Lady! And she responds my sister is one and so is my mother. She does not reject her noble origins and class, she rejects her Ladyship. She even rejects the common address of "my lady" which is the how every woman is referred to as. When she had the conversation about her future with Ned and how she would rule her husbands castle as the Lady and she asks if she can be a lord. It is not a class issue, it. She viewed it a somehow being lesser or demeaning and only associated with knitting and pretty gowns. She embraced her nobility but rejects noble femininity. What I am saying is that her supposed idea of what is expected of a Lady, which she is regardless of her protestations, are readily made false by women around her. Lyanna was only 10 and had more rationality then Arya. The point is that there are no constraints and that she can maintain her noble birthright without giving up anything, she can make what she wants of it. When observing Ladies like Lyanna and Yara or Lady Maege Mormont and even Brienne, do they seem constrained by the status. Back in the 1st season who could easily mistaken Lady Maege as a wildling. Did little Lyanna come across as a girl confined by rigid constraints when she rebuffed Sansa's attempt at flattery and niceties? Yes and to gain a loyal subject. You do not see the difference in marrying someone that close in blood relation and the sibling of your parent. The hell she was. How is she being grateful when when all she does is give her a bitchy attitude and not thanking her and plotting behind her back? And how does the secret not being told harmful? As soon as the secret was told it started causing fractures within the the group when they should be all banded together to fight a common enemy? It reveals that sansa is a untrustworthy liar who broke her promise. Hope that people do not share sensitive information with you. Did he relent? We have no idea what he was going to do considering he was killed the next time we saw him. He may have called her bluff. He only traveled through the riverlands as a captive of the brotherhood and when he was asked about hos mother in season 1 he implies he was born in kings landing and surmised that one of the gold cloaks could have been his father. They also never seem to scout a place out before entering an area. They just blindly travel without any precautions. How did she play Tywin? Yes it does.