Lancecam88's Replies

So, it is winter and food is scarce. You have to feed all the Nothern soilders, free folk and nothern smallfolk taking shelter at Winterfell. Then you have to feed the unsullied and Dothraki AND the dragons who eat what they want. Win the battle and then starve to death. No complaints? Catelyn was thrown in the river on the show and Robs body was desecrated. We are forgetting that Rickon was freshly interred. What irony that would be if she had a child that was a dwarf. When was that ever suggested in the show? Until she blew up the sept, she had no other opportunity to get back at them nor did she have the resources. Had she been given an army she would not hesitate to use no matter what the smallfolk did. You are absolutely right in the argument. Do you even understand the whole ring incident with charlotte and carrie? Samantha was not married, though it would have been nice if her charachter made some sort of emotional maturity. I remeber back on the Imdb board there was a debate on the star wars prequels and how bad they were. One defender of the prequels would write these ridiculously long and detailed theisis style papers describing how the was some high level nuance in practically every scene. One newcomer to the debate applauded the persons attempt but explained that he was seeing things that were not there and that the directors were not trying to create dmsuch detail in the films. He went on to explain how a director of a short film intentionally had a random animal walk pass the screen in one scene to see how the audience would interpret it simply for his own amusment. But the point was that people see things in art that even the creator never intended to insert into the plot. Oh, now I see. I suspect these people are either screwing with people or they think they are geniuses and therefore discovered some nuance that does not actually exist. The movie left no ambiguity over who killed lester. The prequels were just as bad as this one, just in different cringe worthy ways. The only one that actually felt like star wars was rouge one.