Pinjetre's Replies

I fell head over heels for this one. And I think my heart has never bled more for a Bale character since 3:10 to Yuma. I so look forward to wait some months before rewatching! Some wonderful times everything feels right, and for me, it was this gem. Loved the secret service / intelligent bird watching guys! Could they be more eccentric and easily enraged if they tried, specially the American? Just finished it, and yes, it was a nice surprise to see him being confident, eccentric and up to the game in all scenes with Bale. If I was an actor, certainly a green one, it would be quite scary to act on scene with such a talent like Bale, with his legendary and intense status. Melling did more than fine. I really enjoyed this movie! Agree, that's so formulaic. Happens almost in every episode. Otherwise a great show! I believe he was looking for his gun that same night because his wife saw a peeper outside. Do I mix things up here? I was wondering about the same thing when I watched last episode, but then I remembered the peeping Tom. I have to think about your answer and go back some episodes since I was just recovering from a bad covid-19 when I saw the first episodes, and try to catch the same scenes you describe. I get the parallel til Sharp Objects, that was also a stretch. No, the gun was premeditated. But I can buy that he wanted to scare Erin off. Sort of. It just that it seems the Ross men are a bit amoral. Bad blood. Exactly! She was horrible. I do understand that she was a very troubled youth, but that doesn't explain or justify why she almost stalked Paul in the first place, and after some time suspected he actually was the strangler and still wanted to be with him and protect him. Even hurt other people to please him. Some children and teenagers actually are not nice at all, and this one is among them. He was my favourite character! I keep coming back to The Wire, and every time it gets me. Season 1 and 4 are favourites of mine (no, I also love the Hamsterdam episodes), but the whole package is classic! Absolutely the weakest of all seasons. The whole idea of moving junkies around to clinics and pharmacies seemed extremely thin. And Bosch undercover was not convincing. He looked too well fed, tan and healthy. All the sub plots went nowhere. The daughter could have been interesting, but was more or less a filler, same with her uninteresting boyfriend. I have also toyed with the idea of the particular murder of Mary Kelly as the work of a copy cat. Either someone eerily fixated on Kelly herself, someone who took the opportunity to kill when a notorious serial was active - or someone fixated on the Whitechapel murderer. But this theory askes for too much: not only managed Jack to disappear in thin air, leaving few traces. But a copy cat sharing this mixture of skill and luck? There is only one way Jack the Ripper could do what he did, and that's to live anonymously in Whitechapel, know every ally and street, and being able to blend in the crowd as a nobody of interest. He must have laughed his head off while pretending to be outraged like all the others. I have also toyed with the idea of the particular murder of Mary Kelly as the work of a copy cat. Either someone eerily fixated on Kelly herself, some who took the opportunity to kill when a notorious serial was active - or someone fixated on the Whitechapel murderer. But this theory askes for too much: not only managed Jack to disappear in thin air, leaving few traces. But a copy cat sharing this mixture of skill and luck? There is only one way Jack the Ripper could do what he did, and that's to live anonymously in Whitechapel, know every ally and street, and being able to blend in the crowd as a nobody of interest. He must have laughed his head off while pretending to be outraged like all the others. So very true! 1. Minority Report 2. Collateral 3. Edge of Tomorrow 4. Tha Last Samurai 5. Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation Thank you, Starman, for your kind and very interesting reply! All I can say is that I agree with what you say about antithesis of blockbusters and to welcome quality production of different genres. Just like in music or literature I can watch almost everything on screen from horror, thrillers, sci-fi, comedy, comics on film, romance, western, period dramas, realistic war movies - even some musicals (very few, but still), as long as they all offer a minimum of story building and character development; not just a vessel of effects or costumes - and if I'm lucky also a message from either wise dialog or the clever unsaid. Something to remember for a long time, no matter the genre. To face our darkness, Starman, that is the essence. In «Hostiles» most of the main characters did so - most of them had the upper hand in this special setting - in different situations. And faced just that in individual ways. A couple of them was just at the start of seeing reality in the field, fresh from training (Pvt. Philippe DeJardin and Lt. Rudy Kidder), others was at the end of the hell that is war, and dealt with it individually (Capt. Joseph J. Blocker, Sgt. Thomas Metz, Corp. Henry Woodson, Philip Wills). I don’t think Capt. Joseph J. Blocker forgave Chief Yellow Hawk for every brutal murders, but they came to peace and mutual understanding at last, and Blocker found respect and the need to provide this tiny part of the tribe, to send off their close relative. So it became personal. No wonder since the ride from New Mexico to Montana must have taken a long, long time, and incidents during this journey did something to the group loyalty. Now I’m taking a time out :-) Just needed to say more than thanks to you Starman. Bless! Absolutely grey hair, with a fantastic cut. It wouldn't hurt if he looked like he took a shower once in a while either. I can't believe that such a handsome man can let himself go, as the case is with Depp. But he might just have other priorities or is unable to really see himself. Strange thing, yes. I usually don't comment on celebrities looks (I know that is the most hypocritical thing to say; still it's true). Depp is really going down if you expect a smooth, careful aging Don Juan Demarco merging beautifully into Sir James Matthew Barrie in "Finding Neverland" 14 years ago, and then slowly age with grace from then on. I think the problem, if it really is a problem, is that the Depp is trying desperately (or give a shit) to still look like he did ten, fifteen years ago. He is middle aged now, and would look much better if he accepted and embraced that. A mature Depp, better hair and clothes, could be interesting. I'm with you! Not at all. Tried to watch the original, but gave up after ten minutes. Just like you I can enjoy dumb and fun, but this one was dumb and fun in all the wrong ways.