AlyCat22's Replies

I just read Bella's post there and it hardly warranted Snows response. Are they afraid of competition or something? How ridiculous that Bella be sniped at for spreading the word about another site. Over reaction much? Sorry she felt the need to be so abrasive with you Bella. And that surprises you considering who runs it? In the past, she and her posse were nothing if not laser focused at pointing out inappropriate behavior (real and imagined - mostly imagined) while ignoring their own. I really can't see where it would be any different on the new site. I'm curious, have the words troll or victim shaming been used yet? Two of my personal favorites that we were exposed to over and over and over again. Apparently they suck at simple math too. Exactly what age would she have been when she gave birth to Dean? Say she's 40 or even 45. He's 38-39. I can see it now - Alpha Vamp says "See you next season..." Each season Rick Worthy bursts onto the set "I'm back bitches! Told you I'd see you-" only to find everything's closed for the day and everyone has gone home... Finally. Finally his characters back! Ricks all excited thinking this will be his chance to show the depth of his character. Anddddd ACTION!" On another site where I hang one of the posters said that apparently five years = one year in the vamp world. Sorta like dog years. ;) I think Jared said that at that point if the show were to continue that he and Jensen would be likely to sign on (after 14) if the episodes per season were cut down to 13. Something to that effect. I kind of like that tho. So much better than her hanging around doing laundry, watching Netflix and tagging along on hunts. Or the flip side - all mother all the time. Cooking, cleaning and chiding Dean on his drinking and dating habits. I guess what I mean is at least they have made her her own person. Complete with flaws. I don't agree with the whole super huntress Mary will wipe out the monsters of the world to make life safe for her boys - that is eye rollingly ridiculous as well as predictable. I wish she had a more obvious reason. But I'm glad they have tried to give the character some depth. I think Dean forgave her too quickly tho. I wonder if he knows about the colt and Mary's part in the theft yet. These two boys are so used to being hurt and their emotions driven into the ground that it's no wonder they buried even this to move forward. I kind of like that tho. So much better than her hanging around doing laundry, watching Netflix and tagging along on hunts. Or the flip side - all mother all the time. Cooking, cleaning and chiding Dean on his drinking and dating habits. I guess what I mean is at least they have made her her own person. Complete with flaws. I don't agree with the whole super huntress Mary will wipe out the monsters of the world to make life safe for her boys - that is eye rollingly predictable as well as predictable. I wish she had a more obvious reason. But I'm glad they have tried to give the character some depth. I think Dean forgave her too quickly tho. I wonder if he knows about the colt and Mary's part in the theft yet. These two boys are so used to being hurt and their emotions driven into the ground that it's no wonder they buried even this to move forward. Are we rating or discussing? I liked it. Badass hurt, angry, suspicious and smart Dean. You're a killer, Dean Winchester. How many times has someone told him that this season? Poor Ketch thinking he almost had Dean. Gotta admit I was hoping he would look a little more "I'd like to rip your throat out rather than be talking to you now" in the insanely expensive scotch scene but that's just me. I mean, he was wearing the "murder shirt" wasn't he? And when Ketch was making the offer I wonder if the memory of the time he bribed Rufus with JWB flashed thru Deans mind at all.... ;). And Dean let Ketch do all the talking and gave up nothing. I knew Ketch and Toni were a thing. I initially thought he was the father of Toni's son. Scratch that one. Ketch really does sound like a psychopath. I like him! ;). Dean and he looked deadly scarily badass when they entered that building and rounded the corner. And Dean still took point indicating which way Ketch needed to go... always the leader. And the "I'll make it quick" - shivers. Badass hurt, confused, angry, suspicious vamp killing Sam. I like how he took control and was the logical and intelligent one during the raid. Sam did a lot of sizing them up before they were ever attacked. I like that they gave the Alpha kill to Sam but I wish they would have made it harder. Brilliant deception and fake to get the bullet and the "replay" by the vamp was cool but for him to just stand there while Sam shot him? He's fast, he could have grabbed Mary, tried to lunge at Sam... something. But no. He took it like a vamp- I mean, champ. Bye Rick Worthy were gonna miss ya. That opening scene. When Sam asked that all important question and the truth came out about Cas's near and Wallys actual death. They were both so hurt and angry. Deans "I never was" in response to Mary telling him he's not a child. *sniff* Sam letting Dean speak for both of them. The inflection Jensen used when Dean was talking to her, asking her how she thought it had been for them, about how she's been gone their whole lives. Poor boys. And then Sam telling her she should go, essentially backing up everything Dean had said... I thought the "Hey let's bring the ALL POWERFUL COLT into the mix EVEN THO WE ALL KNOW IT DOESNT HAVE ANY BULLETS which means as a weapon unless you are going to beat someone over the head with it, is COMPLETELY USELESS. Bringing it in to the room in a briefcase and unveiling it as if it was the solution when they knew it wasn't. No one had the bullets. No one could have know Ruby had shown Bobby that it could still be used without the original thirteen. No one there had any idea that Sam knew the "recipe" (it hurts to write that) for the bullets. That was so illogical that it threw me out of the show entirely. Also what happened to the "glow"? ;). I was touched over the emotions that Sam was experiencing when he laid his eyes on the Colt after all this time. It looked like he teared up? So much history with that thing. So Sams on board and is going to try to convince Dean. I wonder how Deans going to feel about the BMOLs using Mary to get the colt and how Sam is going to feel when he finds out how they use Ketch to "clean up" the "monsters" or "witnesses" Sam and Dean have spared. Pierce would have been a tad more believeable if he were a tad more believeable. Also "alimonies a bitch" - really? Loved the 'didn't get involved because well, it's England' (sorry Bella!) and 'get off my lawn' lines! The Alpha really does hate Sam and Dean, doesn't he? I once kind of thought he respected them but I think not. Loved the "head shot". ;) I should be a Hunter in my spare time. My personal "Cas". I like! Thanks for the invite! Argh. None clickable... :( Cass was it you that jumped onto WFB to let me know Bella and Virile were reaching out about this site? If so you are my personal "Cas". ;). Dean has his angel, I have mine... I hate these breaks when you are watching a show in its current season. I love it when you find a show you didn't get to watch originally (Sons of Anarchy for example) and then binge watch the Hell out of it at your own leisure. Hey Blue! I'm seeing many familiars. So how does this site work? I just kind of jumped on without investigating! Hey Virile (and Bella)! Thanks for the shout out to me at WFB. Got the word so I just signed up. How are you all liking it so far? I see many familiar names!