howgamer's Replies

An electrifying experience. Yeah I just rewatched it and still found it funny and really enjoyable. The only problem, which I've always had this problem with the film, is that the climax feels very weak. It's movie chat, please chat about movies and remove the political figures from the trending section. I don't care about the politics board, but the trending political figures sucks. I suspect the site needs it to stay alive. What Arnold made has no bearing on what Furlong made or was paid. Arnold was THE draw of the film and his agent or himself negotiated properly. Actually considering how successful the movie was maybe Arnold should have got more and they under-negotiated! As you aware, what people are paid is negotiated beforehand whether that is a straight amount or a percentage. It's not like all the money comes in and some goblin divides it up to his liking in the moment. Oh this movie made a lot of money so lets throw Furlong a bigger bone. It's all determined beforehand which you know. Furlong and his agent probably should have pushed harder. I would find it hard to believe he only received 35k for the film and nothing from sponsors, advertisements or appearances. Kind of like how Stallone claims he made only 35k from Rocky 1, but on the backend he got something like 2 million dollars. I got it once for legitimate reasons and some other times I got in trouble because I knew Jessica would be there and wanted to hang out with her. I agree He's not super, but ultrahuman. I believe this is correct as well. I feel like doing the right thing can be quite easy for a lot of stuff. Don't hurt/kill people, don't steal stuff, treat others how you want to be treated, be respectful, and mind your business. Some hotels only charge by the hour. Find those ones beforehand so you know where to go. That's all I can think of whenever someone talks about skills. Liam Neeson in Taken. When they are an adult and if the person doesn't want you in the room. That is the appropriate age. 15 is definitely not too old and I would be looking for a new doc and nurse if that bothered them. Awesome! I kind of feel like it will be more of the same though. Not sure what a 3rd movie could bring. The beginning of the original film seemed to be a matter of coincidence just to have the film itself. Maybe the virus was not entirely understood of what it was, it's ability, the low level security and of course the coincidence that activists broke in that night. Awesome lol Worked on small endtable wood project, lifted weights for 45 mins, prepped some food for the week (salads, grilled chicken, sweet potato mash, and banana bread), and walked about 3 miles to enjoy the sunshine. I don't think many people are saying fried breaded chicken is healthy. At least I haven't heard it. I feel the same.