samoanjoes's Replies

If it's any incentive, I have yet to meet a person who did not like Shawshank Redemption. I'm sure you'd like it, too. Nope. And he had to keep relying on me for stuff. I had an argument about this on IMDb about spoiling The Planet of the Apes. Thanks to this site, I can re-live those joyous memories. [url][/url] His bad acting didn't respect my eyes when he was alive so... I can't stand it. It's just so arrogant. I had an experience in college where I brought up the movie The Dirty Dozen. My friend said, "I've never heard of it." I said, "oh, Lee Marvin is in it, Ernest Borgnine, John Cassavetes and George Kennedy are in it too." My friend stared at me blankly and said "I don't know who any of those people are." The worst part is that we were in college studying film. It's true. When I was in high school, people would say it all the time and they would be for movies that were terribly reviewed. I feel like it's one of those movies where you don't have to see it and already know what's going to happen. No and don't plan to. Vin Diesel is a weasel. 9 times out of 10. I actually don't respect the opinion of average people. That's why I come to film boards like this where I can find some knowledgeable film people. But I get this with my own generation. I've actually heard someone say this about a Hallmark movie and think it was the best movie ever made. And then it's "Oh, you've never seen (I forgot the name of it)? You're missing out!" I get that, but it's like they're shaming you for it. I remember many years in ago when I was in high school, people would say it like they were talking down to me, as if they thought they knew more about film than me. Then I'd go, "what's your favourite Kubrick film?" Their response was usually: "who?" I think people do it to make themselves feel smarter. I don't mind tattoos in moderation. Usually if there's not too many, or if it's small or if they don't have a "666" on their body. I find it a huge turnoff if I see an attractive woman with an entire sleeve full of tattoos. I don't care the meaning behind it, it's so distracting. Sometimes I look at people whose whole body is covered and I look at them like they have an obsession. At some point you're going to run out of real estate. Anyone who prefers colourized films should be sent my way so I can give them a stern talking to. Bu how many truly great works has Malick done? Two? I've seen that. At least they were being nice. But they're right. There's more, but yes. Even at 12 you're taught to not take drugs. I prefer non-American films more than American films in general. I'm not going to fault her for being addicted because addiction is difficult to overcome, but I will fault her for doing it in the first place resulting in her getting addicted.