samoanjoes's Replies

I don't recall the ladder climbing, but yeah, he could fly with the bikes. I always assumed that because the bike thing was the first time we saw it (Late in the film) he could only do it under special circumstances. Let's heddaout there. But what about the ladies? I sense sarcasm here. Lettuce protest that place! I wouldn't immediately skip them, but the rest of the interview would have to go perfect. <blockquote>People come to this board specifically to argue</blockquote> I know. You're one of them. Yes, those threads that I started got deleted to which mod 5 apologized for as you can see in the screenshot I provided. Anti-trans threads? Me not believing that a trans woman is a real woman is not anti-trans. I don't call them "trannies", I've never called for a transgender person to be assaulted, I've never called them "sick" or freaks". You even disagreed with me on a recent trans post, and I didn't attack your opinion on anything, nor did you to me. Here is a trans thread I posted. Show me where I got into an argument with anyone. All of my responses were civil. And I don't mean disagreements because you can't expect two people to always share the same view, but I'm talking actual fights. That isn't evidence. Below is evidence. <blockquote> You're an obsessed nutcase who likes to live in the past, make mountains out of molehills.</blockquote> "Please don't acknowledge the negative shit I did in the past. It doesn't make me look good. But also, ignore the stuff within the last week too. They all happen to be assholes." Calling out your creepy posts about little girls isn't picking fights. But notice that I never name-called you? Also, I did get MULTIPLE threads deleted at the same time which mod 5 apologized for after learning context. The thread he started had nothing to do with you. It was about AI. Was tcrum an asshole when you told her she shouldn't be a teacher because of her "constant bad spelling"? Let me guess, you don't remember saying that to her. You're probably going to ask me for proof and then when I provide it, give me shit for going through your history which you have done multiple times. Thank you. You know I like you too. There are many people who have come to my DM's to talk about db's behaviour. A few are even universally liked users here. He kept poking me and he got made when I finally started defending myself and now he wants to come off like a victim. Padeen even publicly questioned why he kept insulting me. damosuzuki publicly called him out too. And don't get me started with Shogun. 4 arguments in a week is definitely a db problem, not mine. "Instigated". You instigated a fight with robocat, which I came to his defence. Your post count was too low which was a criteria for a lot of people. I'm sure you would have gotten some if you were at 10k. Have you seen his behaviour on this site? The hatchet is not just with me. I don't have issues with anyone else on this site, except him. Here are a few examples in the last week alone. All of these are different users: I'd like for him to show me how many arguments I've been on this site in the last year. Okay, so you don't understand the point of the picture. Got it. <blockquote>'ve made at least two attempts to leave you be but you just won't let me,</blockquote> Just go. Are you some teen girl who's talking to her boyfriend. "No, you hang up." <blockquote>You didn't prove anything, especially the egregious lie you keep spouting incessantly that I attacked you completely without any reason.</blockquote> I did years ag, but you pushed it aside. You also admitted to coming after me after I said the way society is makes me sick. <blockquote>I called you out on hypocrisy and attention whore behavior in a very straightforward manner. </blockquote> Yeah, and you still don't understand how notifications work. You somehow think that replying to people after replying to me is attention whore behaviour. I even gave you a screenshot of my notifications at one point and you didn't even acknowledge it. <blockquote>You're just so thin-skinned, you'll characterize the slightest criticism as an attack.</blockquote> You just described yourself. The fact that I talked shit about you to robocat the other day and you came after me soon after is perfect evidence of that. The fact that when people insulted your fuckbuddy Trump and you cried like a little bitch and called them assholes is even more perfect evidence of that. Because he's awesome. Only one user gave him below a 7.