samoanjoes's Replies

Okay, so you don't understand the point of the picture. Got it. <blockquote>'ve made at least two attempts to leave you be but you just won't let me,</blockquote> Just go. Are you some teen girl who's talking to her boyfriend. "No, you hang up." <blockquote>You didn't prove anything, especially the egregious lie you keep spouting incessantly that I attacked you completely without any reason.</blockquote> I did years ag, but you pushed it aside. You also admitted to coming after me after I said the way society is makes me sick. <blockquote>I called you out on hypocrisy and attention whore behavior in a very straightforward manner. </blockquote> Yeah, and you still don't understand how notifications work. You somehow think that replying to people after replying to me is attention whore behaviour. I even gave you a screenshot of my notifications at one point and you didn't even acknowledge it. <blockquote>You're just so thin-skinned, you'll characterize the slightest criticism as an attack.</blockquote> You just described yourself. The fact that I talked shit about you to robocat the other day and you came after me soon after is perfect evidence of that. The fact that when people insulted your fuckbuddy Trump and you cried like a little bitch and called them assholes is even more perfect evidence of that. Because he's awesome. Only one user gave him below a 7. Nope. Because you don't understand the significance. It also goes how show how stupid you are. The guy is Italian, so it makes sense that the sentence isn't perfectly written. But the significance of the shirt fits you perfectly. I did years ago. I linked it to you and as usual, you gave me shit for going back to history. You think it's a coincidence that you're the only one I constantly get into arguments with? This is you right down from what it says on the shirt all the way to the irony of him doing so: Given that he gets into arguments with so many people on this site, then it definitely is. db even tried to downplay his responsibility by calling his crime a mistake. And yet you recently said that 4 different users were being assholes to you. It seems this dogpiling you speak of is legitimate accountaility for you. You never seem to disprove it other than call me a liar. Your logic: I defend myself = "you deserved it". You defend yourself = "they're all out to get me". Only the second one. You have just uncovered a memory that I completely forgot about. I remember that scene with Michael Jai White. I agree that it should have been in the movie. The thing about Bill is that other than the final shot to The Bride's head, he didn't really do much. He had everyone do the dirty work for him. Because years ago he came after me for no reason. Then he did it again. Then again. When I finally started to defend myself, he painted himself as a victim. I (as well as shogun) have have quite a few DM's from users who dislike him. He is purposely starting fights with countless users. There are users here who are universally liked here that have told me that they dislike him and try not to interact with him because they're afraid of having their heads bit off by him. He said that narcissists were among the most despicable people. He's an ex-con and that would make it worse than any narcissist. None of the other people you mentioned have been trying to claim for years that they get along with most people here while simultaneously getting into fights with many of them. On two threads recently, db20db was picking fights with 4 people. I know. That's a great movie. Agree on Art Carney. Terrible villain. The dude wasn't menacing. I read about this. This is clearly an issue of a lack of independence. If someone came into a job interview with their parent, would you not hire them immediately?