bozo_500's Replies

Maybe now time to dust off the Trek script Like in The Flash then I posted this on another thread but I figure they'll wait a few years (5?) then reboot/prequelize the series with a 30 something Ford-alike in a new adventure set in the 1930s (or if Chris Pratt in the 1940s) I enjoyed the film at the cinema, but it was mainly for the anticipation of seeing Keaton and the rumoured DC cameos (not knowing for sure who'd turn up from previous films and if the Nicolas cage as Superman rumour was true), The opening JL reunion was ok (Batflecks action scenes feeling like Nolans Dark Knight trilogy ), but seeing Keaton back as Batman and the expanded Burton batcave with modern day 'Dark Knight' budget/FX and the 89 Batwing zooming into 'Man of Steel' and Keaton taking on DCEU Zod was all kinds of insanity that I could just not believe i were seeing, and then the crazy DC cameos as the walls of realities crashed including as rumoured Cage Superman and Christopher Reeve (with Helen Slater!).. although all were too CGI looking. and then the final WTF of the Clooney cameo! I have it on bluray but I haven't been able to muster enough interest to watch it again mainly bc looking back I really didn't enjoy watching Ezra(s), his mom, gf, or the terrible baby saving FX sequence etc , also i don't want to dilute the awesome 'omg wtf is going on?!' experience of watching it in the cinema that one time (it was also my return to the cinema after pandemic, last film i saw before then was Star Wars IX in Dec 2019) 90s version crazy Part IV trailers (AI) <blockquote>Anyway it wouldn't surprise me if Deadline/THR suddenly announce Pulp Fiction 2 was happening as QTs 10th movie</blockquote> Wonder if this will come to pass now? after a few years of writing novels only extreme film buffs read and he gets forgotten about abit in the new AI world and he sees Marty and Speilberg and RScott still directing their movies still making millions and being critically lauded he'll comeback with 'The 11th Tarantino Movie!' msm pick it up, hopefully Eon take notice! Now The Movie Critic is in the bin maybe its time for QT to click open on his Trek script file.. Ikr, when it was announced I was tryin to figure out if it were an apt send off for him (as in its to do with the film industry) or really boring subject (film reviews), my initial reaction was the latter, just sounded pretty dull ,even he loaded up with an all stars Tarantino cast (Brad, Leo, SLJ, Travolta, Kurt, Uma, Waltz, Margot etc plus tom cruise). and unless it was going to be like a cool True Romance style action film (which it probably wasnt) mightve struggled to interest audiences.. guess QT came to feel that way too (maybe he should saved OUATIH as his final film) He prob wants to do star trek lol His last big hit was Ready Player 1 in 2018, but before that ... Indiana Jones 4 in 2008! my old mouse mat was wearing out (cartoon one of a mouse eating cheese) then saw movie ones on ebay id not even considered getting a new one, looked and figured was between star trek (only a TMP one available - thin/cheap) or Superman IV poster one (thicker, more expensive) so i went with TMP Finally got this (cheap off ebay) I saw III in 84 and again in 87 (part of I-IV day showing) Also starring DJT in a deage 1986 cameo helping Kirk find the way to San Francisco (they land in NYC first by accident) Sadly the last one is most accurate, what a come down after the critical acclaim of last film 😔