Sentient Meat's Posts

Better than I remembered. Rank the characters from most favorite to least. Did Tai make the right call? Just saw this on TCM Any more like this one? Twilight Zone 1.8 Time Enough at Last Twilight Zone 1.7 The Lonely Twilight Zone 1.6 Escape Clause Twilight Zone 1.5 Walking Distance Twilight Zone 1.4 The Sixteen Millimeter Shrine Twilight Zone 1.3 Mr. Denton on Doomsday Twilight Zone 1.2 One for the Angels Twilight Zone 1.1 Where Is Everybody? All that money and they can't find someone to do decent CGI? Manchester by the Sea was better Broadchurch 3.1 Not a very good start. Brilliant show Season 12 Did Shawshank deserve its place as the highest rated film on imdb?