Blackbeard's Replies

Obvious troll is obvious. Unless you truly believe your drivel in which case, typical incel is typical. I guarantee you I personally know women that can do anything that YOU can do, and 100 times better. I'm not gay, not that it would matter either way, but the irony is you right-wing incel trolls get your panties all in a bunch anytime anything doesn't conform to your standard of "straight, white, non-wokeness". As I said, you're fucking pathetic and you are only proving my point further. As for @DeckardB26354 you've been outed long ago for being the biggest whiney little bitch here. Not wasting time on you... Typical incel coward is more like it in @CDWard's case. Typical pathetic incel that you are, you obviously missed the point. Their underground "Fallout" shelter that they have been living in for over 200 years is a fake manufactured reality with projections of the outside world, so yes, it looked kind of Wes Anderson for a reason, but once the main protagonist got into the outside world, reality is much different, and gritty, and nothing like a Wes Anderson film. Obvious troll is obvious. Can you explain why exactly? I thought he was good in this just as he was in Tenent. A natural actor. But since you didn't give any context what-so-ever, you're most likely just some white incel troll with nothing better to do than to complain. Well, if the shoe fits... it was an entertaining sci-fi movie that hopefully gets the message across that the West needs to do better. But then there are people like you who get so easily offended by the truth that you have to whine about it on a forum. smh Why can't it be both? It was still an entertaining sci-fi movie... just because you don't have conscience about the politcal climate of the world doesn't mean it wasn't good entertainment. Looked like a typical cross-section of America to me. Yep, and that's the least of his problems! Obvious troll is obvious. Can't believe you are still around trolling this same old shit. How pathetic. *yawn* reread this whole thread and how you were the one that started with the insults... and now you are so pathetic, you've got nothing left. Really boring, but since you are so desperate to win an online troll-fest, keep going... Oh my god, you've just peaked in patheticness! Can't even come up with a better comeback than using mine! lol. Ask your mommy to hug you, you obviously need it... Oh my god, you've just peaked in patheticness! Can't even come up with a better comeback than using mine! lol. Ask your mommy to hug you, you obviously need it... Oh my god, you've just peaked in patheticness! Can't even come up with a better comeback than using mine! lol. Ask your mommy to hug you, you obviously need it... Well said! Wow, it's amazing going through your other threads and seeing how often people call you out for being an idiot and a troll... as the saying goes, 'if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..." Once again, obvious troll is obvious. Obvious troll is obvious. You're fucking pathetic. Do you see what you are doing? Just like a fucking grade school bully. Your very first response to Goliard calling you out was to insult them by calling them stupid and moronic because your fragile ego can't take critisicm (or more than likely, you are just trolling... and poorly I might add.) You must have the most sad, pathetic life. Seriously, look in the mirror and ask yourself, is this all that you are good for is to bully and troll people. Fucking low life scum. My only respoinse to you from now on is to call you out as being an obvious troll until I get bored with it. The only troll here is you, from your insulting replies to others to your lame attempt at explaining why Murphy was miscast. Either way, it’s boring, you’re too obvious, and you are completely pathetic if this is all you can do in life. You can fuck right off now.