MovieChat Forums > Ben > Replies

Ben's Replies

I guess hmm Yeah well generational differences Maybe i was looking at her reactions the wrong way Now that i look at her , it is just the way she looks actually lol Interesting. IKR Yeah i just tried it out. Had to know the name of the episodes to find the relevant boards. Thanks man ! Whoa i didn't know that you could post on individual tv episodes. thats freakin neato! Notification thing is great too. I just hope Jim doesn't ever close this site like Col Needham did (their messageboards) Good looks only take you so far Ok enjoy watching Lost Season 1. Lost? hmm Yes a little work needs to be done. But still i am loving the IMDb like environment here. That trending thing is an update from imdb boards! Once again, people would call some of your posts 100 percent flaming/trolling too Yes i know there are a few problems with this [-]. I haven't personally used it yet, but i advise individual posts that you don't like to be hidden permanently via this. Until the block/ignore feature comes... You have to realize that Alex Jones tries his hardest to keep the reptilian David Icke nonsense apart from his nonsense When copy pasting, try to get rid of '[1]' ... it just looks bad. I copy paste all the time and try my best to get rid of such unsavory elements. 'according to you and your friend "Ben," anyway. ' Ben's my real name ;) Yes ignore/block feature would get rid of most of your problems. Also automated spam control will do nicely as well. I have heard of ways to prevent porn and other stuff being posted automatically. Let us not kill this site before it even grows There are no current problems unless you are trying to encourage trolls from rival sites to jump in No i see that you already got a clique going here who are trying to control everything here. We hope to see thousands and thousands of users. We hope that this place doesn't turn into a private club controlled and held hostage by few people like it is happening on that imdb2 proboard at the moment (bound to fail that place)