MovieChat Forums > Ben > Replies

Ben's Replies

Hey Jim people are accusing each others of trolls. It is another form of trolling. Be careful who you make mods. Even the best of users start moderating the wrong way. Did you start this thread? Wow man you are complaining about trolls? Look at yourself Well said Yeah we need ignore/block feature. I am sick and tired of people following me around and accusing me of things i didn't do. I think they are just trolls trolling me I don't know you They are longer episodes and you may not like the new characters introduced. And the pacing is different. I am sorry but racism and bigotry are synonyms No we have seen how moderation works in other imdb offshoots, and frankly any form of moderation other than that of IMDb will essentially kill this site, unless you want this site to be killed Stop talking to yourself. I know who you are. I can smell you and your socks from a mile away. No you are a troll. Don't talk to me again. and stop following me everywhere Stop making up lies about me. Maybe you are just jealous of me. Stop making up lies about other users. My guess is that you are the one with many socks and you want to be a moderator and try and destroy this site. No, i am contributing to this place unlike you. I am posting in many movies actors and other bs. I don't know what tf you are making up about me. i don't care. Keep making up lies though. I know your life sucks don't blame it on me. Just watch it. It is visually stunning at least. Great locations. Not mine Hey man big fan lol Human-protomolecule hybrid ? JFC Wait, how about Postmolecule? Most remakes these days I am supporting him what tf