MovieChat Forums > Ben > Replies

Ben's Replies

Power tripping mods. The worst thing to happen to internet forums! "To the regular posters here, what can I say? I was bored tonight :) " What does that even mean? "Alas, I have no socks" Hey if you are accusing the other person of using socks, might as well accuse you back. Only fair. Now you know bro. Let us discuss movies and tv shows and other stuff instead of fighting over future problems Yes i agree with you. Use ignore/block feature if you don't like the other person. Use [–] ! It works great! It was in your favor brah In the late 1920s during the Harlem Renaissance, "spade" began to evolve into code for a black person " Perhaps you're unaware of this. People who are ruled by common sense are well aware of this." You are flaming the other user. See, some people gotta ruin the fun. We are starting to discuss different movies and actors and directors, and someone has to ruin it by getting jealous. I say participate and and don't instigate. No one is stopping her from being a racist in her safe space, but please don't enforce your KKK addled casual racism here bro. Old posts were rarely deleted Thanks bro. Haile Selassie my nigguh ! Now she is accusing you and i of being the same person. I have seen her and her friends use this tactic before. I am sure this person is also on imdb2 and gets users banned this way. she and her reddit friends. I think she thinks the whole site is her "safe space" Nope. He and i are from the great age of internet when we had our freedoms and lulz and information too. Tht is what imdb was It is a racist term you are racist against my African ancestors In the late 1920s during the Harlem Renaissance, "spade" began to evolve into code for a black person No it didn't work like that. It required you to be reported by users with very different ips and a certain no of users to get your post deleted. And you could just re-post it later on if you felt you were unfairly reported. If someone tried to abuse it, their usernames got banned or suspended automatically. She is a racist ! How dare she! My african ancestors were treated like slaves because of people like her ! tumblr/reddit/facebook/instagram/etc. beckons her. You just trolled another user, or flamed him/her. Should you be banned for it? If you were serious about calling another user stupid, then i guess you just became eligible to be reported. "but they don't have to be given carte blanche here as they were on IMDB, nor should they be. Unless you liked it that way" I am sorry but IMDb boards were a big hit, and they were closed because "freedom of speech" is now considered archaic. People like you belong in places like facebook, reddit and perhaps even twitter. There you can enjoy your very safe spaces. There is a philosophy board here for the thinking and hungry minds.