MovieChat Forums > Ben > Replies

Ben's Replies

Those events happened in Alabama a long time ago. Nothing "Current event" about it. However, a unique plot and storyline perhaps meh It's the same with Mr Robot. Actual hackers with real life problems criticize that show for the same reasons that you mentioned. If you make it too real, the "normies" will stop watching? I guess. Fuck em was that nudity good or bad per se ? it sucks nah. proof or gtfo is what is said in these situations faggot I have seen her in sex scenes and nudes. both. and another one not that hard to copy and paste. Pics or it didn't happen Yes i am a pirate. A filthy pirate with no moral compass Every morality is a lie So please go ahead and shit on it However, try not to harm the innocent and the gullible Only hurt the evil ones IMDb moderation was perfect. Maybe jim needs to contact col needham and get his software We are seeing the effects of bad moderation on other imdb messageboard offshoots Narrator: Death isn't much of anything in the end. We make such a big deal out of it. But up close, it's like nothing. A body without life, nothing more. People are like animals. You love them, you bury them and then it's over. Still, it's my first time seeing it. Hers too. But she seems all upset. Yet there's nothing to get all mushy over. All right, yeah. I'll walk her home. She looks fragile. Besides... she's pretty. The Butcher: Feels strange to be back in this room where my daughter was conceived. What a great fuck her mother was. But if I knew she was going to lay a runt on me I'd have never spurted inside her. But that's how it goes. I let the jissom flow. And today my daughter exists. nah Show tranny characters !