not_a_virus.exe's Replies

Glad I checked first. I understood it just fine, I'm just choosing to ignore it because 'im not playing by your rules. Did donald Trump make the right decision by signing it into law yes or no? Agreed. We'll said. He made animal cruelty a federal crime. Was that a bad decision? You could look this up on your own, but I'll provide the evidence if you're too lazy. I just want to hear you say he made the right choice before I do so I know I'm not wasting my time. Uh why wouldn't I be? Do you think that this insurrection is supposed to erase all the incredible good he's done for the country? Anyone that cuts against the grain is considered a right wing Trump supporter. Jews do run Hollywood though. That's not a conspiracy. And I don't particularly care if they do so long as they produce good movies and TV shows. It's because it's trendy to think Conservatives are the "bad team". The media, Hollywood, sports, corporate branding, the government, academia, and higher education all have raised an entire generation to think the same way. And like the sheep that they are, they do it thinking they're the "free thinkers" of society. It's like watching a Greek tragedy before my very eyes. He's right. And anyone that disagrees with him is a complete fool that can't think beyond the mainstream preset of thinking. You're all sheep. Anything she's been in since gaining weight. Gerald's game sucked ass. Doctor sleep wasn't scary, but entertaining regardless. Hush was very impressive. But nothing Mike has done, has topped Hill house. That show is on a whole other level of perfection. The thing is, I don't think Mike is particularly strong when it comes to sheer horror. Scares and unsettling atmosphere just aren't his strong suits Imo. He excels in storytelling and character development way beyond anything wan has done, who on the flipside, excels in building atmosphere and delivering scares at the cost of storytelling. And no, I don't consider shocking twist endings to be indication of strong storytelling, as entertaining and satisfying as they may be. Ha! Probably worse. Baby Yoda just adds a fun lone wolf and cub dynamic to it and the juxtaposition is perfectly executed. I would hate to imagine it any other way. But still, if there wasn't any of that, it wouldn't make the show unwatchable. It would still be better than anything else on TV. If I can sit through 10 seasons of the Walking Dead, I can fly through 20 seasons of Mando. He's probably the greatest president the United States has had since Lincoln. He deserves a spot on Rushmore. Well this was also a comedy. Green Room wasn't. I asked this exact same question when the story first broke. I got called a misogynist. Our culture is so incredibly juvenile, vapid, and deficient in any sort of critical thought. She's not a hero. She's a fucking snake just like the rest of Hollywood. A complete cesspit of rapists and pedophiles and hypocrites. Makes me sick to my stomach. You mean like the polls we saw in 2016? A lot of them aren't intelligent enough to see the irony of the plot. I thought it was obvious. This is probably the first time I find myself agreeing with Rowling since her far left shpeel some odd years ago. But she's right on this. And Daniel is wrong. All he's doing is trying to stay relevant. If you have to take hormones to be a woman, then you aren't a biological woman. That's just a fact. All it takes is a shutdown of society and the hormones producers to no longer manufacture pills, for every single trans person to revert back to their biological selves. We really do live in a clown world right now. The same people that mock antivaxxers and flat earthers for denying science and fact, somehow, are the same people insisting there's 81.5 genders and that biology doesn't take precedence over feelings. Unbelievable. A man of principle. Good on ya man!