FatherStack1987's Replies

Only the snake was killed. No other animal was actually killed for real, as far as I know anyway. I was way too focussed on enjoying the movie. I think she was the best looking one. The shaved head added style. I though she was genuinely beautiful. Only the chicken was killed for real. Oh, it's a very disturbing subject. It's extremely well acted though and I was engrossed until the end. I watched it for the first time today in about 15 years and I think it absolutely does hold up. Those 2 1/2 hours just flew by! That's what made me buy the Blu-Ray! I remeber seeing that poster! :D Yeah, but Dead Alive (A.K.A. Braindead) was made after the "Video Nasties" hysteria. I'll start working on the screenplay! 😂 It's a hell of a lot better than this film. For the next Jurassic World film, they'll copy Dino Crisis 3 and most horror franchises and put the dinosaurs in space. Dino Crisis without the blood or scares. Just way too much going on. Plus I never saw Jurassic World. I still wouldn't have enjoyed Fallen Kingdom, do I don't feel like I missed out. I remember being blown away by the first film. I even enjoyed The Lost World for the most part. I hardly enjoyed the Fallen Kingdom at all. 5/10 in my opinion. Just average. Yep, the money. That and so they can show his scenes in the trailer and make it look like his part is it's than just a cameo to help get bums on seats. It's just incredibly average and forgettable in almost every single way. One thing a film about dinosaurs shouldn't be, is boring. It deserves all the poor reviews it's getting. I also hoped the characters cast due to affirmative action died early too, because they were either bland and boring, annoying or served no purpose to the story other than to tick a box on the checklist. It was also extremely tame for a 12A/PG-13, especially when the original was a PG here in the U.K. and is much more frightening . You mean "might HAVE missed it"?! Yeah, but that lame humour is the entirety of Natural Born Killers. Even the films' writer knew it was bad enough to disown. Give me Badlands any day. Horses for courses, I guess :) As unfunny and awful as these cops are, and they do bring the film down, they are still a billion times funnier than the entirity of Natural Born Killers. It really, really is. I was appalled at just how bad it was. I never thought Eli Roth could have made a worse movie than Hostel 2, but lo and behold, he actually managed it. The dialogue is cringewothy beyond belief, the acting (as you would assume from Keanu Reeves) is wooden and has plot has more holes than Swiss cheese. I have seen Death Game and although not exactly a masterpiece by any means, is fucking Citizen Kane in comparison to this. This is officially the worst film I have ever seen from Eli Roth and all of his films are pretty bad. I meant no Offence. I apologise. Its just rubbed in our faces non stop. It gets really boring to us. I'm working tomorrow and so fucking glad. It seems to me like the Americans are more excited about this kind of stuff. It frankly bores the arse off of me. I'll be avoiding TV and media for the next week or so. I'm a thirty year old man and I've seen all kinds of horror films. I'm not that afraid of them, but I find them really enjoyable. The documentary style of this film really gripped me from the beginning and I agree that the second half is the superior half. Jump scares don't affect me much, but that scene actually made my shout out loud because it genuinely frightened me. Right after the shock, I let out a laugh, because the film actually got me! I'd love to feel that again. The shock was genuinely. Makes a change from all the cheap scares films try to pull off nowadays.