Kawada_Kira's Replies

Yes!!! Wow, I can't believe someone got it already lol. Good work! You might want to review the previous answers. I don't think there were any Muslims in Australia or New Zealand before 1800. Cool choice! Tchaikovsky? Academic? Involved in the medical field? Economist? Philosopher? Royal? Politician? Human? At least it's over with now, so nobody will need to do it again. Kinda like throwing up; we got it out of our system, now it's over and we can move on. No. Ah sorry, I wasn't online when you posted this. I've been thinking I should rejoin StoneKeeper's games too lately (I just need to watch more movies; I haven't watched many in a while), so perhaps next time. Ok so who's up for hosting the next round? Boromir has passed and isn't online. He specifically named Laura, is Laura around? If not, maybe the ball should be passed back to hownos since it's kind of default that when someone passes it goes back to the previous host. January 25. Seems like a chill dude. [quote]If it’s just hateful or poorly veiled political or anti religion speeches than it bores me. Not because I’m religious but because it’s not creative or funny. It’s no different to a joke or comedian who relies on swear words or saying crude things and expecting a laugh based just on that.[/quote] ^ Pretty much this. Haven't seen The Queen, doesn't look interesting to me. The Last King of Scotland was pretty good.