FredBurroughs's Replies

So far this poster (from his posting history) ruminates on the following topics: 1. "Bad" first dates that quickly sever contact with him 2. Petty swipes at trans people From that we have to question: How bad is michaelDclarke as a first date that a trans woman won't even let him suck her dick at the end of the night? How would you know? In the '90s you were a child with zero social prospects. Now you're evidently a dentist. At best with this topic you're making broad generalizations about situations of which you lack true understanding. This is pulling back into the archives, but check this one out: I did once, so by my calculations it can happen again! What are you talking about that's so boring that people pull their phones out in front of you? Or perhaps you're just talking about dumb stuff in a boring way? Please provide more information. McAvoy all the way if I had to choose one. His performance as Xavier in the X-Men series lives up to Patrick Stewart's iconic greatness. Yeah, off my girlfriend at the time. It was yummy! Good luck! There's plenty of other stuff on there. You might enjoy Good Time and The Rehearsal for some unnerving thrills. I think the video is intentionally kitschy and edited to highlight the song's overall cheesiness. The same editor made this gloriously awful tribute to Pinocchio: Boo, so dismissive. Here's some strategic editing: I'd be curious for your take on the latter clip, since it's a proof of concept from a stalwart MovieChat member embarking on his own film project. Speaking of RLM, I'm still sour over The Dark Backward getting taken off Tubi. Methinks the rights holders saw the uptick in traffic since the Re:View video and decided to renegotiate. You think YouTube's boring? Buckle up, amigo. Here's something to get you started: 1. Jerry Seinfeld - played by himself 2. Uncle Leo (Len Lesser) 3. Tim Whatley (Bryan Cranston) The Toxic Avenger 3: The Last Temptation of Toxie (1989) - Kind of prescient that this third entry focuses on dual identities and a hero's self-examination. There's also plenty of crass humor and Troma's signature low budget charm. 6.5 Psycho Cop Returns (1993) - Not that fun. 5 The Kid Detective (2020) - Kind of like 2009's Mystery Team with an even darker bent. It develops from a cute postmodern setup into a corking detective yarn. 7 House of 1000 Corpses (2003) - Not as fun as an Uwe Boll movie, but it still serves as a solid introduction to Rob Zombie's filmography. 5 Also this week: Napoleon (2023) - Probably the funniest movie that Ridley Scott has done. Not only does Phoenix bring something similar to his Gladiator performance as a petulant malcontent, but Vanessa Kirby also shines as the lady who makes him moan and grunt. 7 Love Battles (2013) - As a greater metaphor for relationships, it's a hoot. 7.5 Street Girls (1975) - Pretty sure that Quentin Tarantino has this movie in regular rotation. Fancy footwork aside, this particular exploitation flick has got a satisfying vibe going for it along with all the sex and nudity. 6.5 Here's a musical interlude to any other movies tonight: Not my favorite movie of 2003 starting with the words "House of", but it's pretty good. 6 ...Lord knows I have... "...heyALP ME DOCTOR SATAN!" That sounds like an iconic quote from that movie about thinly written teen characters dying after riding on a theme park roller coaster called "The O.J." A lot of great films are made in Canada!