MovieChat Forums > BiffGG > Replies

BiffGG's Replies

Nothing we can do about NK. They are on the doorstep to two nuclear powers and no way do they let us intervene in a military manner. Keep dropping leaflets and laptops would be the best for right now. I know that you think that you are being funny by comparing Hitler to Trump but there is nothing funny about what happened in Germany from 1933 to 1945. Trump may be uncouth and may believe in stereotypes but that still makes him worlds different than Hitler. I don't think that Trump is a murderer where as Hitler was very comfortable with killing millions. I don't see how that would work. Hitler was a lot of things but being a pawn I just don't see. If Germany lacked the potential to be anything other than a weakling nation I could see somebody such as Russia using him as a puppet. The impression I get of Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany is most people underestimated him and did not give him a chance in their mind to be elected. Remember most countries are not like the US with a firm two party system. I would have to go back and read up but I think there were at least 4 or 5 contenders vying to become Chancellor. People thought Hitler would blow away like a fart in the wind. Then once elected Hitler disabled free speech and confiscated guns. The Nazi Party employed all the turds on a local level to be enforcers. The whole thing was intimidating in terms of taking counter action against the Nazi's. It was dangerous to really speak critically of the Nazi Party for anybody considering to do so. I liked his couple of appearances on Cheers as Harry the Hat better than NC. Yes, but changing even what appears to be very minor things can have a major impact. Things may not even go as planned such as if you intended to give someone money. There are people that I knew who could have used money but would have not taken it from a source that they did not know. I would give a younger version of myself a lecture on life but have no idea if it would take as the younger me was very sure minded. I have thought about the notion of going back and investing money strategically and darned if it is not a whole lot more complicated than it looks in the movies or television. I thought that she was into women? Interesting comments but I will say that Westerns are not ultra expensive to make today unless it is to give the cast historically accurate hairstyles for the men (joke). Agree with a lot of what you say especially when a person chooses a fantasy in that it will trend to more contemporary notions. I will reiterate that story ideas were played out by the 1960's for the most part. Back when I was laid off one winter I was stuck inside and noticed that a story from one Western very closely resembled an episode from another Western show from the same time period fairly frequently. The genre was simply tired out by 1970. Every story that could be done was done. Also, they were all over the place until the mid-1960's so there was never any shortage up until that time. Now with relaxed standards more topics could be talked about today but things such as homosexuality were off limits back then. People living on farms or living in cities had very little to do with it. Westerns were escapist fare where the hero was allowed to carry a gun and dispense justice as he saw it. Appealed to people in rural communities and people who lived in urban centers. A show such as Gunsmoke lasted until the mid-1970's because it refocused stories through the sensibilities of the time which meant more gray in terms of the antagonist versus being a clear cut bad guy. Or if a clear cut bad guy then the game was for much higher stakes. I caught one not too long ago where the bad guy and his gang took over the town while the marshal was out of town I am sure that in your mind that the EC was a smart measuring tool of the American public in 1992, 1996, 2008, and 2012. Further, I will probably regret asking this but why would she have been the best POTUS ever? So she can maintain the status quo in DC? If true about Caviezel then that parallels another actor who played Jesus namely Jeff Hunter in King of Kings from the early 1960's. Jeff was not brought back from Star Trek's first pilot because of the difficulty which was only amplified by the presence of his wife. Enter William Shatner and the rest is History. I was hoping for a Clint Howard middle age tour that included him as Balok and the kid (now grown up with his own kid) from Gentle Ben as well as Slinky. I would not mind a Tango and Cash remake if they keep some of the camp element. Clint Howard as old inmate "Slinky." 80K in the DC area is not that much money. I think that at some point both major parties will play themselves out of power as they grow increasingly out of touch with the modern world. I think sometime in the next 20 years (5 Presidential campaigns) an independent will be elected POTUS. I did one once. Kind of as a favor to someone. Was not great but was not terrible, either. I just had this sense of being on display which I was uncomfortable with. Probably some nutrients via pill or IV. Yep, just like it was better to see Dave Bowman in 2010 than an alien. Some mysteries need to be maintained to keep their luster. A good movie that rarely shows up on television anymore. Cretin!! I liked Contact. No movie is perfect but I liked the general flow of it. It seems so far fetched today primarily because I doubt the US government would fund such a project. It's like some childhood event traumatized her and she thinks governing the rest of us is some sort of owed therapy to her. My message to her is to get over it. Kids say mean things including berating girls as inferior which is unfortunate. She needs to realize she already won in that she slimed her way to the top while the offending boy is most likely working the overnight stock crew at Walmart today.