MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

[quote] If I were him and I had that radio, I’d hardly ever leave my room. [/quote] I actually own that model radio. It's a 1928-1929 RCA Radiola model 62. A very early self contained superheterodyne with a single AC plug. Most radios of that time were the more finicky "tuned RF" types (three tuning dials) and required three batteries of different voltages, and sometimes were made up of a separate tuner, amplifier, speaker, etc. (that's where the term "set" originated) In 1928, when the average working man earned $15 to $25 a week, this radio sold for $395 and that price did not include any of the 9 vacuum tubes this radio uses. These were purchased separately from the selling dealer and installed when the radio was prepped before delivery. Anyway, the prop used in that episode was clearly emptied of it's innards. That radio weighs about 150 lbs and there's no way Ed Lindsay was going to pick it up and run up the junk man's stairs without it being gutted. Also, that model featured beautiful inlay maple doors which were removed from the prop so they were not seen in the episode. There are also two cane doors on the back for servicing. With no foreknowledge about the project, I'll speculate that they can still have multiple story arcs within the same movie. That is, all in one instead of multiple casts completely unrelated in time or location. Think of a typical later MASH episode where there's at least two story arcs only subtly interrelated to each other but featuring the same cast. [quote]Is that it ? [/quote] Movies aren't about themes, lessons, or education. They are there to entertain first and foremost. Some films are just beyond some viewers. No sin in that. In his short life, he had maybe one real dream, and it came to fruition with the discovery of the golden ticket. I think we can excuse his wasting the candy due to extraordinary excitement. Besides, wouldn't Charlie be getting a lifetime supply anyway once he had the golden ticket? That point is what has bothered me all these years. Repeated watchings have not clarified this a bit. In other words, how was Charlie different than any other kid? Augustus drank from the choco river to Wonka's distress, Violet chews the gum Wonka tells her not to, Veruca tries to grab a goose despite Wonka's protestations, Mike jumps in the transmitter in direct disregard to Wonka's orders, and Charlie steals and drinks the beverages that Wonka specifically told him not to. Maybe the only difference is that Charlie didn't give his gobstopper to what he thought was Sluggworth. Fair enough, but the other kids were basically rejected on the spot for disobeying orders as Charlie did and I don't even think the others even had the chance to sell out Wonka. The Burton version fixed this gaff. I'm sure no one will. [quote]I remember the one with Claude Aikens where he became a self proclaimed god to the little people. This one did not end well for him. Was this a message ?[/quote] Well, it was Claude who was the good guy in that story. His partner became the megalomaniac godlike nut. Nits picked aside, I don't think there was any message that story except the obvious: absolute power corrupts absolutely. Because TZ has so many supernatural endings, it's not unusual to use God as an explanation, but I don't recall Serling or any TZ zone stories that specifically based the supernatural goings on as God's intervention. (willing to be proven wrong) LOL! Don't feed the trolls John!!!! [b]"In the name of Faulkner let me out."[/b] LOL! I don't think Serling was trying to ram religion down anyone's throat. Indeed, I wonder if he was at all spiritual. Nevertheless, God is something all tyrannical governments try to eradicate because they don't want any of their "subjects" believing in anything but total government control of their lives. The Howling Man was the best story from a pure writing standpoint, but I'm going with two others: Printer's Devil because, well, Burgess Merideth. I always liked his performances. Of Late I Think of Cliffordville because, well, [b]JULIE NEWMAR!!!!!!![/b] Nothing more be said! My dad fought the Nazis. I hate everything about them and everything they stood for. Their cruelty to humanity is beyond debate. But, to me, they make the most wonderful tv and movie characters because they are the ultimate villains. I don't really understand why, but I am just fascinated with Nazi Germany. I can't get enough of AHC when they run WWII documentaries on the European war, or documentaries about Nazi Germany specifically. And to be clear, I hope every Nazi is (or will be soon) burning in Hell. Going on memory, DeCruz intentionally ran down Herbie (is that his name?), but the brakes were out on the truck, so it careened out of control and crashed. I guess the Nazi was good at preserving gasoline, oil, and lead acid batteries, but didn't know beans about brake lines.. What about Godfather II? In today's world, words have been so badly redefined that the English language is becoming irreparably damaged. A bright light over a suspect's head is now considered "torture", to be considered in the same vein as eye gouging, or shattered knees, or whipping, or..... And who knows what "barbaric" means anymore. For all we know, forcing a prisoner to skip his mid afternoon snack might be both tortuous and barbaric. I'm not a choirboy by any stretch, but in the years at IMDB and thousands of posts, I had but one deleted. I don't recall what it was exactly but it was hardly profane (something to do with me being intimate with some gorgeous actress on the town green at high noon with my wife holding my jacket - and my language was no more profane than that). Probably two homely housewives bitter at me making a joke about a beautiful woman pushed the "report" button. What I'm trying to say is that the people who do the most and bitterest complaining about moderation are the ones that reasonable people want moderated. I f-bomb with my buddies because everyone does. I don't swear in any form in front of my wife, my mother, my aunts or uncles, or my father in law's new wife (who's very religious). Because I don't know who'll be reading anything I post *publicly*, I *moderate myself* accordingly. There may be children or grandmothers reading stuff on these sites, so let's act like we're adults and control ourselves just a tiny bit. Oh, and don't let the door hit your A** on the way out... I don't know why they don't simply build a large box with a hose feeding CO into it. People overcome with carbon monoxide poisoning and revived near death only report falling asleep and having no knowledge they were overcome by it. Carbon monoxide deaths are common when heating systems fail, and it's completely painless, which is why so many suicide victims lock themselves in garages with cars running. I can't think of a more humane way to execute those who don't deserve any humanity. I agree Earl. There are cases where there is no doubt whatsoever, and those should be capital crimes. Remember that SOB who killed his wife and unborn child and dumping her in the lake? Scott Peterson was convicted of killing Laci and dumping her in the San Francisco bay. If I were on the jury, I would have voted for conviction in a heartbeat (yeah, bad pun). And while he's on death row, this is one case I don't believe should be capital because there's no DIRECT evidence of him killing her. I'm pro-death penalty, but only in airtight convictions. IMDB? What's that? Ah, I do now remember. The reason I remember is that not only do I not visit IMDB, but I added an addon to Firefox that allows me to put in URLs of websites I do NOT want Google to return. When I search on a movie, IMDB is automatically deleted from the hits. It's called "Hide Unwanted Results From Google Search 1.6" Just copy and paste in the URL of any website you don't want returned in a search and an exception will be made. I won't even give the bastards the opportunity for me to click on their site. Not blaming them Arvin; I'd do the same thing. I'm a capitalist but unlike Hollywood, I not only admit it but I'm proud of it and all the accomplishments it's wrought for the West. Of course Hollywood is doing the right thing by crafting their films using effects, locations, stories, and yes - actors to guarantee a good return on investment. I can promise you that if an Asian actor is a good draw and makes them money, they'll use him/her. I can also promise that if Hollywood can make money instead by using virtual actors (coming to a future near you), they'll dump humans so fast you won't believe it. Who cares!! What about justice for Harambe!!!!