AtomicReturns's Replies

[quote]And a living and defeated and likely vengeful defeated bad guy from the first movie.[/quote] Maybe the villain has outside friends pull some strings to get him out of prison early. And it would be fascinating if they explored the idea of A.I. living in a Utopia and how that may also not work. In The Matrix universe, it was revealed the earlier generations were at first given a Paradise that was perfect in every way (and the Agents were actually Angels in this first simulation), but the human minds rejected it because they naturally knew it was too good to be true. And humans are hardwired for [i]some[/i] struggle, ambition, drive and purpose. A perfect Utopia almost makes humans turn into dissatisfied lazy zombies. Things can't be beautiful, valuable and precious if everything is perfectly beautiful, valuable and precious. Since the Free Guy AI are now living in a perfect world where there is no danger/threats, perhaps they start feeling a need for some kind of change. To go from a hellhole like the previous one (a GTA world with explosions and crime every day) to a Utopia without any problems, the sequel could perhaps explore the psyche of these increasingly complex AI even more. Yes, my comment was from 4 years ago and things have definitely turned around. I still believe things were very bumpy and rough for DCEU in the beginning, but there are now some bright spots to look forward to like Shazam 2, Aquaman 2, etc. It's my personal belief that Zach Snyder stepping away, and a management shift at the top of WB helped contribute to these changes for the better. I don't think it's gloriously perfect by any means, as I personally did not like Birds of Prey and Wonder Woman 1984 (and I really wanted to like both movies), but I can definitely say I feel more optimistic now than I did four years ago. [quote]I don't understand why it took Gi-Hun a year to touch the money. He and the others knew the risks when they decided to come back to play the game again. e certainly shouldn't have any hard feelings about Sang Woo's death since Sang Woo would have slit his throat to get ahead.[/quote] I guess we could see it as him having the worst PTSD and with his mother dying (and being the one of the reasons he tried to earn that money), I could see him drifting off mentally and being completely shaken to the core. Also, in the beginning he was probably caught up in the fervor of it all along with the other contestants vying for the same prize money that will change their lives. But then, after winning and being the final survivor, all he sees in that money are the hundreds of dead bodies, dreams and ruined lives that were involved in the collection of that prize money. As he got to know people more, he really understood the crushing loss and futility of it all. Outside of a few necessities like food, he was probably so disgusted at the thought of using that money and saw it all as dirty. The 2nd season will be very interesting. It hasn't been formally announced, but it has to be a certainty at this point considering the shows massive global success. The director said he doesn't have a thoroughly developed plan for Season 2 though. It may only exist as rough brainstorming ideas in his head now, and the story can certainly go a number of different ways (does Gi-Hun infiltrate it all himself? Enlist help of authorities? What if some police authorities are actually in on this wicked game show idea?) What I don't get is, that one scene where there was a crazy riot and people were getting come the guards didn't care? I thought the idea was to keep things "fair" unlike the outside world (although I understand hardly anything was fair regarding these games). Because if the guards didn't care that scores of contestants that were so carefully vetted and gathered up can be injured or literally murdered in their sleep on the second or third night, then what is to stop future groups from even greater riots and mass murdering and ending the game fast? But I guess VIPs don't care about losing contestants so quickly and life is expendable to them, and money is endless. Maybe I've answered my own question. So the show was so violent and terrible to you, you sat through all [b]9 hours[/b] to the end. Brilliant move. I went in cold not knowing the twist around 40 minutes in. At first it bothered me how at one point the director broke the fourth wall and pointed at the camera and yelled "Keep filming no matter what!". I preferred it if the camera was a disembodied floating thing rather than an actual person holding the camera, because so many sequences don't make sense if it was an actual person (who watches innocent people get chases or die, but says nothing and does nothing but films it all). Good thing the twist showed this was all a low budget, live, amusingly clumsy TV show all along. Very clever idea and glad they thought of something different like this for the zombie genre. [quote]And it was boring too. Also, while admittedly this one was the best adaptation so far (because the others were abysmal), I can't stand Robbie's Harley Quinn. She doesen't possess the quality to make sympathetic an unsimpathetic character. Look at Emily Blunt in Jungle Cruise. Lily is an insufferable character and yet Blunt played her with intelligence and charm, making her tolerable. Robbie just can't, as an actress she lacks this particular skill.[/quote] That's an interesting comparison, and the Lily character was definitely more likeable. I will say, I think Robbie can do better, but ever since Birds of Prey, they really dumbed down her character. The first Suicide Squad wasn't that great, but I thought her Harley was very different and more enjoyable to watch. She was actually getting a chance to act and express more complex thoughts/feelings, and her lines weren't all quippy airhead one-liners as they were in The Suicide Squad/Birds of Prey. Seems like someone over at WB decided to turn her into a Marilyn Monroe ditz who never says more than 1-2 sentences as a punchline. Maybe others like Harley being a crazy airhead the whole time, but I find her less interesting to watch when this happens. And I also find it a waste of Margot Robbie's potential. I really liked Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn in the first Suicide Squad. I found her kind of boring in this one. And her scenes in that Embassy wasn't even that great and felt too long. Her escape scene was visually nice, but also kind of ridiculous. I couldn't believe some early impressions said this was easily Top 5 best comic book movie ever, or "easily the best DCEU film" (not including the Nolan films). Maybe I went in with too high of expectations after the early impressions were through the roof. I know a lot of them can be inflated as they usually are, but I thought this time it would be different since many weren't just saying it was "great", but belonging on Best of All Time lists. I didn't hate the movie, but I'd probably rank it somewhere near the middle-bottom of comic book films. Ironically, it's technically well made. No fault to be found there. But a lot of the gore and humor was either too much or not very interesting to me. Some scenes also felt too long or unnecessary. Could also be that -- the comedic timing does seem better in GotG. And funnily enough, perhaps the PG-13 rating helped it, because they can only hint at certain things without being too explicit. Innuendo, puns and layered meanings give the audience something more to work with, if done well. Whereas the "island of dicks" joke in The Suicide Squad did nothing for me. It was okay in the trailer, but turns out it wasn't even that funny when they expanded it in the movie. Gunn might need a co-writer to rein him in next time (he writes all of these himself). I still give movies like The Suicide Squad and Deadpool 1 & 2 a "thumbs up, marginally". They made me chuckle here and there and technically, all three are quite well made films. But there's also something about these movies I find exhausting when I get towards the end. Maybe I'm getting older but I find the crammed-in meme jokes or relentless edgy humor to be too much, and I start craving for things to slow down and develop more. After 2 hours of The Suicide Squad, life feels cheap in this James Gunn movie. Even the people they're trying to save in that town are treated like humorous expendable fodder. And this is unlike Invincible where anyone can die just like in The Suicide Squad, but we are so invested in seeing people being saved and the good guys prevailing. True, The Suicide Squad is about a bunch of criminals, but even in their "redemptive moment", I wasn't feeling it. They spent the entire movie doing awful things, and I didn't buy they would risk getting their heads exploded by Amanda Waller to save that town. I saw all of them running away to freedom once their job was done. The most interesting character of the bunch was Ratcatcher 2 though. The actress did a good job and she seemed the most grounded to me, and that's when I started caring more for her story. I loved her in the first Suicide Squad. Not a great movie by any means but she definitely was a standout. I hated Birds of Prey and also didn't care for her much in The Suicide Squad. I think the problem is, in the first Suicide Squad, she was portrayed as a lot smarter and calculating, with much more clever lines. And then, as Grace Randolph says in her review (yes I watch some of her comic book movie reviews from time to time), they turned her into a ditzy Marilyn Monroe type for two movies in a row. Grace recommends the Harley Quinn cartoon and says it gets the character of Harley right. She is not supposed to be a ditzy airhead. Sure, you can try it, but it will get tiresome very fast. Might explain why I found her very uninteresting in The Suicide Squad, where she also seemed way too invincible and cartoony. Very loose resemblance but the Rock and Emily Blunt did mention that movie as an influence, as well as Romancing the Stone. Like The African Queen, there's a spirited sister and her brother (although the brother dies right at the beginning of African Queen), and the unkempt boat skipper. And some Germans as opposition. It might be gone, 3D showings were very limited. As a 3D fan, I check in on the BluRay 3D forums. And some users did report seeing it in 3D and said it was definitely made with 3D in mind with lingering shots like that branch. [url][/url] I went to check out the Eternals section to see if there was trailer discussion. And sure enough, first two threads on top were complaining about "wokeness". I swear they're just inventing things to troll at this point. There is nothing offensive in the Eternals trailer but they are somehow "veeery concerned" about the messaging of the movie. Apparently a bunch of eternal Gods must not look too diverse? They were wrong about Black Panther and Captain Marvel flopping, no reason to listen to them again. They claim only the women in the film do great heroic things, forgetting all the male characters that [i]also[/i] did good things. If you sum it all up, both the females and males did good things, and bad stupid things. But the wokey wokey posters can never get their facts right. Kind of makes sense why they love Trumpism so much. Another explanation I read is that they might've tried to drop a lot of snipers or soldiers onto roofs, to thin out the herds or provide reports on their behavior and growing numbers. On one hand, they'd be able to take free potshots all day long at the zombies with government-supplied unlimited ammo, and the zombies would not be able to shoot back (at least I'm pretty sure they can't). However, a problem with that theory is, why not just drop them onto a rooftop with a helicopter? There are plenty of helipads in Las Vegas. It's fun to speculate with these movies, but it also pains one to realize Snyder fills his movies with lots of inane stuff. This movie could've and should've been so much better. I agree. These Trumpers love to twist facts too. OP feels so oppressed. We need to consider his feelings.