pioneergrrrl's Replies

Any film has imperfections yes. I think the reason Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise were cast together was that they were a couple at the time. Not really crazy about her accent But I have to admit seeing her transform from brat to 'modern woman' is rewarding. that 'dreadful depiction' you dislike would have been much worse with a different director and a much earlier era. I am polish and recognize in the 1800's my people also were not treated with respect--so something showing them back then would not be 'respectful'. A film even made back then would be even worse portraying them as animals, children, monsters, illiterates, savages Howard himself does have Irish ancestry. He is aware of what his ancestors went through. I assume it was cheaper re set costuming/detail. They did not have to pay 'close' attention to period design at all hence lower production costs. honestly Alex....Marty wants to physically fight whenever somebody calls him a chicken. Alex really didn't do that. My actual fave would be Mike Flaherty...who made being stressed soo cute I think he was trying for more 'adult' roles. Whoever was his agent then did not know how to do this. Michael J Fox is not one of the soldiers doing the raping. but it's still pretty brutal. He would have been better as the administrator at an inner city crisis center facing budget cuts---and trying to balance a love life. This isn't one of the films he's overall known for. Good thing it is sandwiched in between blockbusters. His career would have tanked otherwise. Have to admit the 'black widow' episodes I saw were pretty "real world" for this series. Being bitten by deadly spiders is pretty somber for this series. Am wondering what it was doing, trying to improve ratings/attract a more serious audience? most of the stuff the villains do is forgettable or goofy. This wasn't. Wish they could have kept it going. They'd have to use AIDS as the backdrop rise in interracial marriage space program/computer age Lennon getting shot/Reagan almost getting assassinated Challenger Stock market crash MTV and cable I don't think so--remember this series started pre-AIDS and everything could be cured re penicillin in that era. Okay the series ended in a much different era (1990) but the basic idea of the series was to have fun. this was scary to me as a little kid too. I had nightmares about this. well "That 70's show" really wasn't completely set in the 70's either. People noted that the chips in the diner used the current packaging....and not what was the design back in the 70's. Kelso's hair is not feathered ala Travolta--yes men were feathered too. If Henry Winkler could pin his hair up in a very tight twist to play a greaser--who obviously did not have feathered hair....I am sure that Ashton Kutcher could have gotten his hair styled out They put the 'license plates' at the end of the episodes to remind us it was supposed to be the 70's. Happy Days WAS "that 50's show" Now it's our turn to get old. I understand why my dad pulled out his albums and constantly lisened to them over and over. There is yes irony that we are in our 40's with covid--while our parents had the AIDS/HIV pandemic when they hit 40. I doubt it was intended but it is one of those things which looks unique. Malcom X made King seem reasonable. Malcom X wanted to overhaul society while (at the time) King merely wanted to become a part of it But I will argue that our society did 'integrate' part of Malcom X's ideas--because blacks and African-Americans are now known by these names as opposed to the prior name. There are african american/black studies degrees and departments across the country. african american books, kwanzaa cards and items available for purchase and elected officials know what this holiday is. There are blacks on tv and theater in professional roles Did he uproot capitalism no--but he uprooted many of our other ideas about culture and appropriate. re that 50s show--it's called happy days that show flopped bc they forgot to focus on the characters 'just hanging out' and tried to push the trends of the era--like one of them tells his friend (and us) he is talking on a 'cell phone' Granted the thing is as big as a shoe and probably as heavy. But that 70's show did not announce 'hey I am using a microwave' etc and make it painfully understood what they were doing just by watching. Yeah with him being a lawyer and stuff. And Josh being a lawyer in training means that he has to to do good conduct too. Charlie--he is evil. Stuart--most of the stuff he does is not funny yes sheen was sleazy with some 'nice' moments. Fox had been the overall nice guy with a pinch of sleaze. It was the wrong dynamic for this particular show--and production team They could have elevated Carter Heywood and it would have been believable. that's not a demotion...... getting listed as a special guest star means he got extra money/special contract which others in the cast did not. The show was close to being cancelled and management was now trying everything to save it....somebody (Spelling?) had this idea hey let's get Luke back Yeah it worked somewhat, but they obviously had to pay him extra money etc now above and beyond what the other cast members (who could not pull in the ratings) were now making. It probably was 'mutual benefit' for both parties. good point 1800's IS much different than 1990's. age of consent was much lower. The 'incest' angle was weirder. At the very least they could have gone w the neighbor she just happens to eye. Or the guy she just crashes into while learning how to drive. This was just gross. I think the movie would have made MUCH more---and helped Silverstone's career out much more if they had not had that. Yes they're also not biological, but it's still nasty. I can't imagine how they got it past the studios. would be interesting. Show what happened to them after all. Josh and Cher getting together was nasty--he is way older. And he was her brother through a marriage of her dad's. Yuck. Rather have Christian turn out bi.