wanton87's Replies

[quote]Which means she clearly isn't getting enough attention.[/quote] Well, then what she really needs to do, is to identify as Octal. Because then, she will get all the lovin she needs, 8 days a week [ba-dum-bum-CHING] (Oh well. You science and engineering types might get a kick out of that one :D ) [quote]I wonder what the real Laura Ingalls would have thought of how she was portrayed in The Lord is my Shepherd[/quote] My own guess would be that from the moment that Michael Landon passed through the pearly gates, the real townspeople couldn’t wait to kick the ever living shit out of him :D Funny you mentioned that, as I was just thinking about that very same episode when I saw her trending. Not sure how that one would have worked out. Ol’ Doc would’ve required the use of 19th century Viagra in order to keep up with that young filly <spoiler>In case you were wondering, that’s 2 Popsicle sticks, and a couple of rubber bands :D</spoiler> Looks like the real Ingalls family did okay later in life, PJ. It isn’t Barkley’s big, but it’s kinda nice. It appears to be a 1.5 story, from the looks of it. Pa built this one himself. Check it out: [quote]Commonly known as "The House That Pa Built", this was the final home of Charles "Pa" and Caroline "Ma" Ingalls, mother and father of Laura Ingalls Wilder. After years of moving from state to state and and often living in rather rustic conditions, Caroline persuaded Charles to sell the homestead outside of town and move into the town of De Smet and live in a more permanent residence and with better educational opportunities for the younger daughters. Charles began work on this house in 1887 and completed the work in 1889. Both Charles and Caroline Ingalls lived the remainder of their life in this house located at 210 Third Street, De Smet, South Dakota. Not only "Ma" and "Pa" lived here but also three daughters: Mary (after returning from the School for the Blind in Iowa), Grace and Carrie. Grace was married in the parlor of the house in 1901. Laura never lived in this house as she had already married Almanzo Wilder in 1885, two years before the house was built.[/quote] [url]http://mygenealogyhound.com/vintage-photographs/south-dakota-photographs/SD-De-Smet-South-Dakota-Charles-and-Caroline-Ingalls-House-210-Third-Street-photo.html#[/url] Yep. Pretty common in the US in the 19th and early 20th century as well. In one of the little house books by Laura Ingalls, she mentions seeing a cousin after some years, that had married another cousin. Haven’t seen it in years. But great movie, and probably my favorite Eric Roberts movie. Loved his reaction to the dude wearing the Pepsi shirt :D True. But I think I prefer Mr Cody’s method of dealing with the problem a little better :D I mostly know her from a series by the name of Unhappily Ever After. It had a very similar feel to it as with Married With Children. So if you liked that show, you might like this one as well. She was at her peak in that show, for sure! [url]https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112206/[/url] I remember that one. And then there was the alternative ending to this episode, when Laura littered, and a vision of Iron Eyes Cody appeared before her; a tear in one eye, and a “You better not even think about trying that again, paleface”, glare in the other. But Half-Wit, being the slow study that she was, wasn’t about to learn her lesson the easy way. So ol’ Iron Eyes followed up with a tomahawk blast to the hoo-ha, greatly reducing Half-Wit's future reproductive capabilities. Which in hindsight, probably wasn’t such a bad thing :D Iron Eyes Cody: He was a sensitive dude, that could shed a tear when the moment called for it. But don't even think about littering on his watch :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Suu84khNGY For sure PJ. I saw a video a while back, on the little house filming location. A fire had destroyed the Ingalls set house. But Garvey’s house was still standing. Garvey’s house was definitely nicer. The cameraman went inside, and now there are rattlesnakes living in it. If you were to go to Google Earth, and zoom in on Walnut Grove Minnesota, at a certain zoom level, you can see that the Ingalls family's original dugout site is pinned. I saw a photo of it online. The perimeter was roped off, as to indicate the actual size when it existed. It was very small. I don’t remember the actual dimensions, but they would have been elbow to elbow, with the entire family cramped into that thing all at once. Still, in the days of inefficient insulation, and lack of climate control, earth sheltered dugouts and sod homes, kept you alive and comfortable. I saw it and liked it. If you like cars, you’re going to love the Wraith car. Also features an in her prime, Sherilyn Fenn. To me, some of the funniest parts of the movie (Though it isn’t a comedy) are the exchanges between Skank and Gutterboy. I’ll have to check this out. I heard many of the radio series episodes, but have never seen an episode of the tv series. The radio series is actually quite funny. I was under the impression that Richard Crenna didn’t reprise his role as Walter Denton in the tv series, but from the looks of the credits, he did. It’s kinda hard to imagine that this squeaky voiced, geeky sounding kid, would later go on to be the man that trained Rambo :D I’ll go into it with low expectations however. I can’t say why, but something tells me that it’s not going to transfer as well to TV, as it was on radio. [quote]So she had to heard and watched them having sex every night.[/quote] Well, as you’re already well aware Anna, Carrie rode the short wagon to school. But the situation took a turn for the worse, following the incident when Carrie fell into the outhouse, and was blowing bubbles for a half an hour before they were finally able to retrieve her. But as to your concern, no. I don’t think that she was aware that Pa and Ma were actively in the process of making her replacement, as she innocently slept along side them :D I remember this one. Dumb ol’ Carrie almost got Albert’s ass kicked by blowing his scam, after Albert had successfully fooled that bully Bart into thinking that he was a werewolf, with that hokey paper maché mask, and by tossing that giant fake rock. That Bart must have been an exceptionally dumb bully, even by 19th century standards, since everyone, even back then, knew that there was no such thing as werewolves :D Remember that dude Pop-Actor, that used to post here all the time? I’m pretty darn sure that he insisted that we send this woman his way :D It was okay. It was certainly funnier, and more uplifting, than the similarly titled O.J. Simpson mysteries :D You’re correct Artisan. Laverne very much had a New York accent, as the actress that played her, hailed from said state. Not Shirley though, and as far as the rest of the cast goes, I haven’t this show in too many years to recall. People in Wisconsin/Minnesota, do have a unique accent, from the influx of Swedes that settled the area in the 19th century. But I think it’s mostly among the more rural peoples in these states. Many of them talk just like Sarah Palin (whom ironically, is not from that area, but talks just like them, interestingly enough). Then again, I listen to a lot of old time radio, and you can still detect a faint trace of a remaining British accent among some of the American actors, as recently as the 1940’s. Her Robotic look alike (Really) [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=746Z6RoX1ME&list=WL&index=163&t=0s[/url] Just thought I’d throw that out there for educational purposes :D Hmm? Let’s see. The 80’s was a couple of years back now 😉 I would suggest Say Anything, with John Cusack, Gas, Food, and Lodging, A river’s edge, with Keanu Reeves. Really, she looked great in everything that she starred in. Pretty sure she was nude in a few of them as well. She also comes from a somewhat famous pedigree. Father was British pop/folk singer Donovan (aka Donovan Leitch) mother was model Enid Graddis, brother is Donovan Leitch Jr (He starred in one of my favorite movies, “The In Crowd”) and she was married to one of the Beastie Boys (Adam Horovitz). I guess she’s mostly forgotten today. But the formerly teenage Mr Johnson, still has very fond memories of her :D Good list. I’d probably add Ione Skye to the list as well, but get that she’s kinda hit and miss with some guys.