wanton87's Replies

James Cooper. He and his sister Cassandra, were adopted by the Ingalls, later in the series. Both of the actors are pretty well known today. The girl that played Cassandra is now a news anchor, and the kid that played James (Jason Bateman, Justine Bateman from Family Ties, brother) went on to have a pretty successful acting career. I don’t watch this show, but I’m pretty he’s the lead part in the Ozark tv series. Thanks. I checked it out. I listen to a lot of old time radio, so it was appreciated. It was pretty good Jason. I bought the entire DVD collection a few years back, which came with the pilot, and some extras, such as the follow up movies. Seemed like Chuck was kind of an A-hole about Jack the dog, and making him cross the swift as hell river, and risk being swept away in an instant, instead of letting him ride in the wagon over. What a dick :D I think that sealed from the start, the way I would feel about the Chuckster for the rest of the series :D A couple of those aunt’s that you saw in that brief scene, where they were saying goodbye to the family, looked pretty nice. Too bad they didn’t make it over to the series. Funny, but I bought the entire dvd set about 2 years back, and I don’t think I’ve gotten past the first season yet. I had plans to work my way through the entire series, but never seem to find the time anymore to sit down for an hour and watch it. I still haven’t seen most of the later episodes. Caught an episode of little house: A new beginning, one time. There’s no way in hell I’m buying that dimwitted Willie bastard, 19th century dunce extraordinaire, could ever pull off anything as substantial as landing that sweet little Rachel dish :D If you like this show, the closest show today that I’ve seen come close to it, is When Calls the Heart on Hallmark. It has a “little house sorta feel” to it. As it turns out, there is a reason for this. Michael Landon Jr is somehow involved in the production of this series (One of the executive producers I believe?) There is also a spin off of this series titled: When Hope Calls, which doesn’t seem too bad either. [quote]Caroline said " in 6 days!"[/quote] Then Caroline thought about it for a moment before replying to Chuck again: “The last time Chris was here, he instantly added 6”, which beats your performance by 4”. “By the way, Sleepy Eye called. They have at least a weeks worth of residents that need punching out, so we’ll see you some time after thanksgiving” :D 9:00AM the next day: Chuck is on his way to Olsen’s Mercantile, when he comes across Fred the goat. Fred butts him squarely in the chest, knocking him into a mud pit, and breaking two ribs. Just then Mrs Olsen happens along, and she mistakes him for Joe Kagan. Her eyes light up, and no one else is around, so she squeals, “Say Mr Kagan, I’ve heard that you gentlemen are rather large “down there”. So she violently jumps Chuck, and breaks two more of his ribs in the process :D It's my job to entertain the troops, Jason :D A boxer. He seems to enjoy being shirtless, and punching people out a lot :D Very nice weather indeed. Plenty of nice days for Chuck to run around shirtless, and expose the twins to a little vitamin D enrichment. It’s almost like they were living in southern California :D I’d put my money on Chuck. If he started to fall behind in the contest, he could always jab Ross in the eyes with those magnificent torpedo tits, and then go in for the kill, with the fists marinated in the blood of a thousand disobedient Walnut Grove denizens! This is true Jason. But since we live in an age in which we’re only supposed to try to see the good in everyone, I’ve decided to compile a list of Albert’s positive attributes. So here’s a list of improvements that came to Walnut Grove, in large part, thanks to Albert. Walnut Grove received its first official firehouse. This provided full time employment for 15 fire personnel. A new Hospital-including burn unit. Again, many more jobs created. This was a significant improvement over “take two pills and call the undertaker in the morning”, Doc Baker. A new blind school: This time made from brick. This provided temporary employment for 15 masons. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation clinic, specializing in Morphine abuse (Which increased significantly, after Albert had went into business full time, synthesizing the stuff). A Bordello founded by Albert. This employed an additional 40 residents. So as you can see, from a fiscal perspective, Albert was a significant boost to the economy of Walnut Grove. So, pimp, arsonist, drug peddler, conman, health guru, economy booster [Parental Advisory Explicit Content]<spoiler>Sylvia fucker</spoiler>; call him what you will, but Albert was truly a man of many occasions :D Most people probably don’t remember this. But early on in King Of Queens, Carrie had a really hot younger sister. She was probably only in about the first 4 episodes. She just disappeared one day, without any explanation... [url]https://www.picclickimg.com/d/l400/pict/192548794629_/LISA-RIEFFEL-8x10-Headshot-Photo-w-Resume.jpg[/url] Yes, it’s definitely worth checking out. William Conrad just had the perfect badass voice to be Matt Dillon. You will find that there are some crossover episodes, in which the same episodes were also in the tv series. In my opinion, radio Matt Dillon was a more realistic version. As an example, there was an episode in which Matt was forced to go up against someone that was simply a better gunfighter. At the time of the fight, he simply “jumped the gun” so to speak, and drew before his opponent saw it coming. He was realistic enough to know that he would have lost. He also gave a great talk afterwards, about why it was the type of job that gnaws at the soul, for some of the things that he was required to do. With regards to television Miss Kitty. I never found her to be attractive. That is, until I saw some of the earlier episodes of the series. And wow. She really was attractive in the earlier episodes. Right. I didn’t recognize her at first, until I went to her IMDB profile. She’s the girl that plays in all those Signed, Sealed, Delivered movies, on Hallmark. They gave her sort of a geeky Winnie Cooper look for those movies, and she looks quite different. But you can’t dress this girl down enough to ever make her look unattractive. Most people can’t remember this far back pj. But there was also a time when Rosie O’Dumbbell was (gasp) not all that bad looking :D http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/96500/Princess-Rosie-O-Donnell--96744.jpg How about Dyke Hard With a Vengeance :D Yes. The Maine Hermit, Christopher Knight. True story. I read the book, and found it quite enjoyable. He lived solo for 27 years, until he was arrested for pilfering cabins. He had the right idea, but unfortunately, the wrong execution of plans. By the way, the title of the book, for those that are interested is: The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit. I haven’t seen any recent photos of her. But I saw a photo shoot of her from right about the same time frame as American Beauty, and she was amazing. Her name is okay I suppose, but she should have capitalized on her assets, and went with the more appropriate, “Thora Chestnuts” :D