9.6? Is it really that good?

As of this post, the IMDb rating is 9.6/10

That's elite level rating. Is it just a small sample size or is this really that good?


The Walking Dead ran out of steam by about the third season. I gave up at about season 5 when they couldn't find anything else in the story to do than for the main group of survivors to bump into another group of survivors in their protected little sanctuary, until all hell breaks loose and they are on the road again looking for another group of survivors to bump into. Hard to believe they dragged it out for so long and with spin offs that are presumably more of the same.

Honestly, zombie apocalypse shows and films are boring now and can't offer anything we haven't seen tonnes of times before. The Last of Us was the same, just with higher production values.


As bad as the storylines were in seasons 5 and 6, at least they were in different settings with different circumstances.

The hospital arc was not great, but at least it was a hospital and not a prison or train terminal. Then they were on the move to Virginia and finally Alexandria. And while the plot lines recycled themselves, the setting was new.

I couldn't go past the start of season 7.


I would give this 8/10 at best , only the first 2 episodes are good, the rest could have been better


Thanks for sharing your opinion.
