MovieChat Forums > The Tomorrow War (2021) Discussion > Stupid but entertaining movie, and Chris...

Stupid but entertaining movie, and Chris Pratt's Role Should've been multiple people...

1.) Movie had too many stupid plot points to waste time going over them, so I won.t

2.) All the diversity hires in this film made me sick.

3. ) I think there were only four straight white males in the entire film, which is just bizarre.

4.) Chris Pratt's role was good, but it should have been broken down into multiple characters. I actually think focusing the plot on a biologist makes sense to develop a viral toxin for the aliens. It reminded me of the film Outbreak, or the Andromeda Strain.

The problem is that Pratt's character was both the action hero and a large part of the brains behind the solution, which made the movie feel really cheap and small. Since it would have been cool if most of the other action was handled by some other veteran soldiers played by people like Pablo Schreiber or Johnny Strong. This way it makes it slightly more believable that they were able to survive the physical encounters with the aliens thanks to some bad-a$$ vets while Pratt's heroics are more relegated to the smarts. I think he also could have hopped down to help his future-daughter in the cave, but leave most of the other gunnery to other characters (or reverse it, and make his character more of the meat-head and he has to protect a biologist working on a toxin, but given the family sub-plot I think it would make more sense to keep him a biologist and break-off the action heroics into several other characters.

I think I still would have left the final boss fight with him and his dad against the queen, because that was cool. But the other scenes -- I would have spread out the action among other characters a bit more. This would accomplish two things: 1) Make the aliens seem more threatening. 2) Make the impact of Pratt fighting the queen at the end more impactful.


>> 1.) Movie had too many stupid plot points to waste time going over them, so I won.t

Smart move, but then you go on to take it seriously enough to bother to criticize it and I don't think any amount of edits or changes would make this dog into a decent movie.

I guess I am not bothered by diversity as much as you, and honestly I don't see why some people have to constantly complain and whine about diversity other than to advertise they are racists or white supremacists? Maybe you can clear that up ... who cares? Why would it bother you?


Maybe you can clear that up ... who cares? Why would it bother you?

Not representative of demographics.

1) Too many females in the military. Most of them would have been first to die by the aliens (along with fat and out of shape people). They run slower than dudes and can't carry as much weight. So all those young girls in the future military? They would be some of the first to die. If we're just going by basic logic. The bald black chick part of the one bad-ass cancer dude's squad might live, though, she at least LOOKED like she knew how to handle herself.

2) Too many minorities in scientist roles. They're the least interested (especially non-Asian minority males) in any of the STEM fields. Yet they're everywhere in this film, which makes zero sense. If they had some Asians fulfilling the roles as the biologists/seismology nerds then sure. That makes sense. If they had some black dudes and Hispanics as the muscle-head Marines/grunts, then sure, I could buy that, too, since that's how it is in real life.

3) Overall it's distracting when we know for a fact in real life the demographics are nothing like that, and it becomes jarring when trying to pay attention to the events of the film. It's like movies where the hero goes into Harlem and all the thugs and villains are yuppie, straight-white males.


Read these two
2.) All the diversity hires in this film made me sick.
3. ) I think there were only four straight white males in the entire film, which is just bizarre.

and thought , oh here we go again , its one of these "white is right , women in the kitchen " keyboard warriors , Then spotted the username and recognised you as one of the usual proponents of this kind of drivel.

It honestly did not occur to me watching this film that there was any kind "Agenda" I was too busy watching the film to conduct counts of colour , gender and sexuality of the characters.


It honestly did not occur to me watching this film that there was any kind "Agenda" I was too busy watching the film to conduct counts of colour , gender and sexuality of the characters.

It was rather obvious.

Blacks only account for 13% of America's population, meaning that their demographic makeup in general media should be no more than 1.3 blacks per every 10 characters. In that regard, either the fact black guy could have stayed along with the mixed-race guy who died during the research lab rescue, or the black guy with the Benelli and maybe the bald black woman could have stayed. Alternatively, future-daughter's black male assistant could have stayed and maybe the other future black girl who teleported onto the football field. However, ALL of them should not have been in the movie, as it was a clear over-representation of the black demographics in America.

The only thing they got right was the Asian guy, as Asians only account for 5.6% of the population in America. That would breakdown to about one Asian person for every 20 characters.


They always ask for diversity and by that they mean "as few whites as possible" and they don't notice if the cast is mostly POC but they will scream murder if it isn't diverse enough.

For me this movie was not that bad in that regard.
