MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Discussion > Pairing a black male with a white female...

Pairing a black male with a white female, this time the propaganda is for children!

The left's hatred of white people spills again into children's mainstream media. White characters are to be replaced with non whites, and white females are especially targeted to be paired with non white males. People who hate whites flood forums to do damage control and pretend like none of this is happening, but there is example after example of white characters being changed to be non white, or a white character paired with non whites. This is an exclusive phenomenon that has been happening in the media targeting whites for the past few decades.




The inferiority complex is pervasive with this one. I mean, there are 10,000 films with fully white couples but this 1/10,000 strikes fear into your heart. Tiny d!ck energy for real. Poor little snowflake.


Its an encouragement by the media complex to normalize "black male with a white female" ethnic cleansing , diluting the white race. Here in California its pushed very hard. Sounds like science fiction but its happening right in front of us.


You want anti-miscegenation laws back, you white supremacist fuck?


Who else would you pair a repulsive female? I am joking, as the guy is basically a white person with black skin who listens to shitty music... but still, compared to the 2018 Spider-Verse movie (where Gwen was passable and even attractive), this time they went all out on the dyke-baiting...
