MovieChat Forums > Let Him Go (2020) Discussion > so she sacrificed her husband...

so she sacrificed her husband...

for her grandson and a deadbeat daughter in law.


She wasn't a good person to begin with... it was made clear she didn't get along with the daughter in law before the son died so why the sudden change. It made no sense.


How was it made clear she wasn’t a good person.

Yes, she clearly believed she could “mother” better than her daughter-in-law.....but that describes about 75% of grandmothers out there.


She said at one point she wasn't nice to her daughter in law. Just how evil she was no one knows because the movie never gave that amount of detail. But by her own admission she wasn't nice.


It seemed to me that that was just an admission that she was bossy and didn’t think DIL was capable of raising her Grandson an attorney that works in family law....I can tell you with certainty, that is not an uncommon thing for Grandmas.

If it was substantially worse than that....I don’t think DIL would have even considered her offer to come back.... Clearly DIL comes to believe that whatever she thought of Diane Lane....her new MIL is much, much worse.


Yes the DIL thought the old granny was better than the new one. Of course given her willingness to be a punching bag for the new husband her ability to make intelligent decisions is already suspect.


I am really concerned about your social life if not seeing eye to eye with a person makes one automatically "evil". No way in hell that was insinuated anywhere.


Margaret was a loon. I don’t know how her and George lasted together as long as they did.

A woman of that era, living her life on a ranch and having a career sheriff for a husband, should have had more sense than to set out on such a fool’s errand. The fact that George goes along with it? Well, a viewer can only suspend so much disbelief.


Yeah the plot didn't make any sense.


I think after he lost his fingers he knew that life would never be the same again and he wanted it to be worth something. He could also see his wife wasn't going to let it go either, she would have kept on bitching and crying about it. He was basically nagged into it all in the first place.


i didn't like her character.


She probably would have been fine if the loser daughter-in-law had burned up with the rest of the bodies she left behind. But, she got what she wanted.


Yeah I really hated Diane Lane in this. Self-righteous and short-sighted shrew.
