… did I just watch?

The first four episodes sucked me in; each episode left me pleasantly confused and captivated. As the series continued, my interest was still there but it got more confusing… and odd… and by the end I was weirdly disappointed.

I’m not going to put any spoilers here, mainly because it won’t make much sense… and even if you’ve seen it, it might not make any sense!


I finished watching this last night and found it more annoying than entertaining. The writers seemed to just randomly throw shit on the wall, hoping something would stick a la Lost. So many things were unexplained and it was obvious that they thought they'd just try to distract the audience with all the visual effects, which didn't succeed.

The basic premise was interesting, but the execution was poor. They could've answered some of the questions as they went along, instead of saving all the answers for the last 2 episodes, which didn't cover all of it anyway. There are tons of discussions in Reddit with fan theories on everything, but that's just people trying to rationalize what they see and inject their own guesses to fill the gaps.

Sucks that it got cancelled. I would rate it a lot higher if they did conclude it over S2 & 3 like they were supposed to do.


Agree, yes.

I mean, it looked beautiful and it had some interesting ideas but…. It wasn’t done well.


The ending to this story is more like the Matrix than anything else. Which renders this whole story of the characters and their backgrounds irrelevant.
