Dedra Meero

She's absolutely rocking it. Totally cold-blooded and career driven. I'm very interested in where her character is going, the 'choral screaming' torture was genius as was 'Are you stalking me?' Great stuff.


I love how she seems decent and efficient at first, basically a dedicated worker who happens to be on the wrong side.

Until the torture scene, we never know how dark she really is.

This is NOT “Star Wars” as we’ve known it. I’m loving it, but I don’t know how it’ll keep the fan base happy.

The notion really struck home with the latest episode (10 as I write this); Serkis’s performance blew me away, as did Skarsgård’s, though I’d admired actors both already.

I completely forgot I was watching a “Star Wars” series. Not sure if that’s good or bad.


Yes. Great character writing and the performances to bring then to life.

Skarsgard is almost like a cheat code. Good at every role.


she is becoming one of he best Star War's villains of all time. I think they should do updated versions of Rogue One and the original trilogy and the sequel trilogy and green screen her in. Although she will probably die by the end of this series.


I’ve worked with a handful of these people in the office. They would legit trade a desk for a torture scene without a glitch, the psychos. Love this show.
