MovieChat Forums > The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021) Discussion > Falcon And Winter Soldier Goes Full ANTI...

Falcon And Winter Soldier Goes Full ANTI WOKE LMAO

Hilarious review:

The violence-loving anti-American woke racists are pisssssssssed! They thought Disney supported their 1950's racial segregation and American hating agenda.

Then ex-Falcon Captain America beats the open borders Antifa commies into oblivion. What a beautifully poetic TV series.

Disney's like, "GTFOH". Coke and Delta take notice - you'll never be worth $330 billion.


Lovely to see how bread and games still work their magic.


Falcon mentioning he's a black man in racist America every episode is not anti woke.


But that never happened. You never watched it


Maybe falcon didn't it that bad but everyone did it.

And he said something like "people taking decisions for people that don't look like them".

the show IS mega woke.


He douses himself in the American flag and corrects people when they see color (“not black falcon, just falcon”).

Plus all the original points raised that you didn’t read.

It’s anti woke as much as coke is a joke.


I've seen the video and don't agree with him.

The show IS woke. To ignore the rest of the message of the show and focus only on few points is not quite ok.

Falcon's ending speech is mega woke.


Nah, you’re confusing American ideals for wokeism.

Your lack of examples are telling.


the examples are in the show ;)

watch it first.


Seen it all. You’re confessing through projection.

Add to the discussion or tap out.


I added enough. The examples have been discussed and discussed again in different topics. Read them.

But really, if you think that this show is NOT woke you haven't seen it. That's simply a fact.


I love seeing contradictory, equally moronic takes.


LOL +1000
