MovieChat Forums > Evil (2019) Discussion > Kristen’s Hubby Scales the World’s Most ...

Kristen’s Hubby Scales the World’s Most Daunting Dry Land Peaks, But He’s A Flabolla. What’s Wrong With This Casting?

I love episode 1.9. It is dark, arch, sexy and filed with tension. Sadly, it lacks verisimilitude. Look at Stallone in Cliffhanger, then look at Kristen’s ‘sketty-bodied allegedly summit-mastering hubby in bed in this ep. Wow. Not so much flab. More like, nothing there. How do you scale peaks when you can’t tip scales? The power-to-weight ratio? Refer to Bruce Lee to see what I mean. Leaving that aside, the ep moves the series along. Exorcist meets The Devil’s Advocate. Never thought I’d see this on CBS.


Actually high-altitude mountaineers (which she and her husband are, not technical rock climbers which are erroneously depicted in Cliffhanger) lose an incredible amount of weight on expeditions to high peaks. There's not enough oxygen for the body to adequately metabolize food plus staying warm and alive requires huge amounts of energy. If her husband was just back from an expedition, it's totally believable that he'd be emaciated. TBF, I haven't seen that episode yet however.


I just reached the two episode of his return and he indeed looks flabby and there's very little hint that he's been living in high altitude snow burnt conditions as his skin looks similar to every other metro NYC male in the cast. I too expected him to look emaciated but also sunburnt and weathered in the face. All they did for his return was give him a hipster beard that gives off the impression that he just returned from a brewery outing in Williamsburg
