MovieChat Forums > Away (2020) Discussion > Why Away is so bad?

Why Away is so bad?

Is some propaganda movie?

They have been training for 2 years and all of the sudden they have massive trust issues like they met yesterday.

Video chat doesn't have any lag at all

Russia, China bad. America good and benevolent.

Everybody is a drama queen


It is woke garbage.


I'm only halfway through, but I have to agree. I haven't seen much Russia/China bad as of yet, but the characters all seem to have the stereotypical cultural tendencies I've come to expect.

I'd like to add to this the interior space in the ship. Some of the hallways are larger than 2 star hotels I've stayed in. Any space that looks bigger than it does on a submarine is silly.

But oh, the drama. After spending two years with each nailed that on the head!

So I guess I'll finish out the series just cause Covid and what else do I have to do. :D


It's a cheap chick flick dressed up as sci-fi and stretched into a series.


Russia and China are bad. The governments, not the people. The U.S. is good and benevolent, except for most of the politicians.
