MovieChat Forums > Avanpost (2019) Discussion > Very good underseige/war/cgi movie

Very good underseige/war/cgi movie

Just watched this and this a very well made movie from russia - top notch CGI - cross between independence day / Skyline / Aliens / Battle Los Angeles and other hollywood big budget alien war movies.

Its abit log and could have done with some trimming here and there but Russian movie making is starting to learn and i think the visuals here are an improvement to some of the best CGI hollywood has to offer with good audio and decent stroyline to boot.

I watched the subbed version but sure there are dubbed versions out there, so give it a go if you like sci-fi / action / aliens / war movies.


The visuals showed the movie really wanted to be Blade Runner but couldnt. There are some... questionable choices in presentation as well, such as using well known propaganda tv channels as their "media coverage".

I have to say this was a very enjoyable movie, but damn did they manage to fuck the ending up in the last 5 minutes.


Agreed on the ending. I didn't hate it because it added more lore to the story, but I feel like it ended like 3 times before it actually did which was kinda jarring and played out.

Also wanted to throw a hard "agree" to the CGI. I honestly wasn't expecting much, but some of the explosions and setting shots were incredible and satisfying. I was very impressed with the visuals overall.

The acting was a bit stiff and uncomfortable and the romance subplots were entirely pointless, but it's easy to look past those flaws.


I'll agree with most of the CGI usage in the film, save for one vital area: squibbing.

I hate... hate... HATE CGI blood.

I would have preferred classical squib-work, but I know why they don't use squibs anymore: too dangerous, too much work, you have to reset the squibs, costumes, and set dressing for each new shot or for alternate angles, and so most stick with the awful CGI blood effects.

I think Robert Rodriguez has the best approach to squib work: use one or two practical squib effects in a shot for reference, and then fill in the rest with CGI.

This accomplishes two tasks: reduces the budget, but still gives the practical blood/bullet effects that people are used to seeing.


anyone know how well received these films are in Russia?
