

Did anyone else see the resemblance of Burg to Hellboy after he got his horns clipped?



That guy's a Devaronian, and I'm not surprised you saw similarities. Devaronians are an unusual species in the SW galaxy, because the males look like devils, but the females look almost human, except they're covered in white fur, and don't have the horns their men do. However, some female Devaronians shave, and their skin is pale red, with black circles on their scalps where the horns would be on the males. The males tend to be very aggressive, and it's common to see them working scumbag jobs in the SW galaxy, such as mercenaries, bounty hunters, thugs for crime lords, or they are just criminals in general. I knew one named Galt on "Star Wars the Old Republic."

What really surprised my dad, when we saw that episode on "The Mandalorian," was that the guy playing the Devaronian also played the psycho Drill Sargeant on "Starship Troopers." How appropriate.

Now, if you want a real-world explanation as to where they came up with Devaronians; it turns out that when they were setting up the cantina scene for "A New Hope," they ran out of alien masks for extras, and needed one more, so someone grabbed a devil mask and used that, and you get to see a shot of him in the film. After that, fans and writers came up with their own ideas as to what alien race that was.


Great info, thanks!!



You're welcome :)


Yep, that's Clancy Brown, also the Kurgan from Highlander. Him and Ron Perlman (1st Hellboy) have similar attributes.
