MovieChat Forums > Red Notice (2021) Discussion > This Movie Surprised Me

This Movie Surprised Me

I thought the movie was going to be meh at best. I overall enjoyed it. If it gets a Blu-Ray release, I'll buy it. But it IS a Netflix movie. Netflix doesn't seem to release their content anymore on Blu-Ray or DVD. At the time of this post, still waiting on Stranger Things Season 3 and Extraction. Netflix could be holding off though for Stranger Things Season 4 to release, although they didn't really wait for a new season to release on the actual streaming service to release Season 1 and 2 and have the Blu-Ray release tie-in with the marketing for the next season. And maybe with Extraction 2 on the way, they could be holding off on the Blu-Ray release of Extraction 1.

Going back to Red Notice though, the movie was actually what I wanted when I watched Jungle Cruise. Was hoping for a little bit more action/adventure in Jungle Cruise. Plus seeing The Rock fight more bad guys. Red Notice was more action-y and had a lot more adventure to it. And The Rock got to do more fight.

I also liked the trio of The Rock, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot a little bit more than The Rock, Emily Blunt, and Emily Blunt's character's brother. And I don't like EVERY Rock movie (Jungle Cruise I was in the middle on when I first watched it and Baywatch I'll never watch again). Plus Ryan Reynolds can get tiring after a while, but he had me laughing throughout. Gal Gadot I enjoyed as Wonder Woman and in the Fast & Furious movies, but she was a little iffy in trailer I watched. But I liked her in the movie. She seemed like a funnier Wonder Woman/Diana Prince at times.

So yeah. This movie was definitely a surprise for me. Not sure what the critics or regular moviegoers/Netflix watchers overall are saying, but I thought it was fun. It's not Oscar worthy, but I wasn't expecting that anyway. I just wanted something fun and I got it.


I thought it was pretty bad, a 4/10.


I agree. I laughed at a lot of the Reynolds/Johnson interplay.

Yes it was obvious and completely uncreatively played into all three of their existing movie personas. That's what "movie stars" do. At least this film didn't make any bones about it.


This was a reasonably pleasant way to pass a couple of hours, definitely better than the director's last collaboration with Johnson (Skyscraper). My main issues with it are more issues I have with modern Hollywood in general (derivative, too much greenscreen, wallpaper score, mostly dull cinematography etc) rather than this film specifically, so it's not really fair to penalise it. I'm not particularly into rating movies, but I guess this would be like a B- or a 6/10.


I didn't realize the director was the same guy who did Skyscraper. Yes, this film was much better than that piece of shit.

I agree on the green screen, especially in the tunnel scene near the end where they rip-off Indiana Jones. It often feels like directors these days just don't even know how to do things practically anymore.

Overall I liked the film a lot more than I thought I would, though. 7/10


I agree.

I went in with low expectations, because the trailer looked generic as fuck, but it easily exceeded them. I found it surprisingly fun.

There was some good humor, some decent action, and a plot that felt at least somewhat original and not a carbon copy of movies I've seen a thousand times already.
