MovieChat Forums > The Call of the Wild (2020) Discussion > They better get actual Yeehats for this ...

They better get actual Yeehats for this movie

You can't tell me the casting department couldn't find any authentic Yeehat actors to fill the necessary roles in this movie.


They will have to use CGI for the Yeehats, because that tribe did not exist. I suppose they could use other Native Americans, but then some white Liberals will become enraged about the appropriation of the imaginary Yeehat culture.

Actually, for the 2020 version I bet the Yeehats will not be included at all. Thornton and his partners will probably be killed by greedy white prospectors after their claim.


No Yeehats in this movie and Thornton is killed by a boilerplate wealthy / greedy Caucasian guy


I knew it!
