The older blonde lady

What was that scene about when leah and her mum went to the older woman's house and there was a man on the stairs and a pregnant woman in the hall? Who were they and why did she block the man on the stairs ?

I Enjoyed this film.



no idea!
i liked it too, though i thought it erred just a bit too heavily on the side of being atmospheric. gave it a 3/5 last night, but i might bump that up a bit, because there are lots of things to enjoy & admire in it.


Glad it's not just me then! I agree with you about it being a bit too atmospheric. The child actors were great though.

I hope someone has a good suggestion as to what that scene meant one day.


Yeah I was wondering what that was all about myself. She was upset about something but for the life of me I didn’t know why. He on his part looked at her too like he was frightened. Well I thought maybe she was upset about the black lady with the baby not being there but that wasn’t her house, right? A truly confusing scene.


No it wasn't her house. I thought it could be referencing something about the black lady's baby too. Because of the pregnant woman. But I've no idea what the part with the man was about, or why the older woman stood in the way to protect him 🤷‍♀️


That young man was the driver of the car that killed the little girl Rachel. You saw him in the flashback of the accident at the end.

She was upset at seeing him probably after a long time since the accident.


Oh really? I'll have to rewatch it. Thanks 👍
