MovieChat Forums > Kaiserblade

Kaiserblade (17)


Great film (spoilers) My take on the ending View all posts >


100% agree, complete rubbish and a waste of time! Like watching white noise on old TVs. Don't bother, save yourself 90 minutes. Terrible film disguised as a horror film. That young man was the driver of the car that killed the little girl Rachel. You saw him in the flashback of the accident at the end. She was upset at seeing him probably after a long time since the accident. God I hope not, he has zero charisma to carry a show, let's hope he is killed in the finale and that will be the end of the show. I think you got it wrong there. It was not being told back by the kid. They showed what happened at the beginning as a film narrative not the kid's. Do you think the kid was telling them what happened to his mother when he was a baby?? Good theory, hard to tell as it was told in non linear fashion. I think the end scene was after the rape and before the murder. I also think the murder happened quiet a time after the rape, the respective partners were nowhere to be seen, maybe they both had divorced by then. Bob was also a paedo who wanted to rip Lindsey's clothes off! Dude did you even watch the film? This 👍 Rocky II Rocky Rocky V Rocky III Rocky IV Rocky Balboa Don't consider Creed films to be Rocky. View all replies >