MovieChat Forums > Joker (2019) Discussion > Ryan Reynolds Congratulates ‘Joker’ for ...

Ryan Reynolds Congratulates ‘Joker’ for Breaking ‘Deadpool’ Box Office Record: ‘You Motherf—er’


That is perfectly played by Reynolds!!


Good sport!


Ryan and Jauqien (sp?)….

Same boat of both rich...

Juaqin turned in an Oscar win there.


This movie cost about 3 dollars more a ticket than Deadpool though.


Yeah still has a way to go once ticket price inflation is taken in and domestically the same to catch Passion If The Christ (even without that taken in to account).

This list shows with Ticket Price Inflation taken into account and Joker is 17th.


Having seen the online trailer of "The Joker", I have already put it on my don't-go-to-see list regarding movies, because I intensely dislike the message that it conveys to me personally: That taking life as a joke no matter what is thrown at one, and being a martyr and putting a smile on one's face even after getting the s**t punched out of them for nothing is the way to go. Sorry, but I don't buy that.
