inept cinematography

Seriously, go watch the trailer and come back and tell me that the shots don't look awkward.

I know Woody has never been much of a visual artist, but this is a whole new level of ineptitude and laziness on his part. It's like he's not even trying to get any sort of competency going for his films now.



He's replicating the same style he had in his old New York movies in the 90s, probably on purpose.


Allen has always been a visual, as well as verbal artist, and has employed some of the greatest cinematographers in the business. "A Rainy Day in New York" is beautifully filmed, particularly the rain sequences.


Yeah, I agree, this thread is trolling. Selena Gomez alone is cinematographic enough!


The OP probably deleted his account out of embarassment. He says that Allen is not a strongly visual director, but he has worked with some legendary cinematographers like Gordon Willis and Sven Nykvist. In the case of "Rainy Day in New York", he is working with Vittorio Storaro, the talented cinematographer who gave us "Apocalypse Now". Too bad the OP saw only the two minute trailer and penned his entire judgement on the film based on it. I've watched the trailer twice and don't see anything "inept" in it.
