did I miss something?

what happened to the women - the first housekeeper? i just heard old Mr. Kim in his "Letter that he buried the women in the woods. How did she die? She helped her husband to escape and the she disappears....

Also, when Mr. Kim had the possibility to escape the basement to bury the women - he could have delivered the letter to his son other than use the morse code...


The first housekeeper was kicked down the stairs by the fake housekeeper.


yes but afterwards she helps her husband to escape by cutting the tape ...so what happended to her afterwards?


didnt she die of blood loss?

I only saw it last night and I can't remember now!


I think we can assume she died which is why he went mad


She said she thought she had a concussion. She was feeling dizzy/couldn't get up. She doesn't disappear, Kim-Woo walks up to her body at the end right before her husband puts the noose around him.

Also how could have delivered the letter? You think he was going to go to the post office and risk getting caught? Come on now...


You don't need a post office to deliver a letter...
