The irony

In his usual self-aggrandising fashion, Nolan wanted to 'save' cinema with Tenet and pushed heavily for its release. Now it looks like he's cinema's grave digger, with all major releases in 2020 either delayed or canceled altogether after studios got scared by Tenet's poor performance.

And what's worse, it can be argued that Tenet would've performed below expectations anyway as it's simply not a very good film, yet Tenet's numbers were used as proof that the audience for cinema releases isn't there right now. I wonder what Nolan thinks of his plan to 'save' cinema with Tenet in retrospect. He could down in history as the man who single-handedly doomed cinema, just because his ego got the better of him.


Congratulations Chris, you're going to go down in history as the man who killed cinema!


you're exaggerating


It's okay to dislike something without desperately scrambling for the moral high ground to dunk on it.

And, like said above: you are exaggerating.


At least they gave it a try to salvage cinema during a global pandemic, risking their 100 million investment.

List of who else was stepping up to try?
No one?
Ok then.

The film is fine. It's the audience and timing that sucks right now.
A virus is killing cinema, not a film.


It's movie, not a film :D


hahahahaha such a grammar nazi-esque statement.



No no no, you don't understand. He indeed saved the cinema, in his point of time. But to us, it looks like it is going backwards, as if he digs the grave even deeper. Don't try to understand it. Feel it.
