Finally, a tv series that depicts black people with great dignity and respect.


Lol, white people are so evil!


when it comes to slavery, they probably were.


Get outta here, Mitch. Slavery is a thing of all times and places. Still going on today in non-Western countries...

But what I'm referring to is the concept of the main character travelling to different destinations where she constantly has to suffer at the hands of the evil, racist white man.😱 These people need to stop playing the victim, I'm getting sick of it more and more.


Sounds interesting. Of course it would rankle some feathers. They're the same people that ask the question: "Why do you hate the Confederate statues? They are part of our history! Why do you want to erase history?!?!" while at the same time asking the question: "Why do we keep bring up slavery and Jim Crow? Why can't we forget about the past and move on?".
