MovieChat Forums > Heels (2021) Discussion > Too much Chris Bauer

Too much Chris Bauer

I like the show so far, but Chris Bauer (1) is a joke as a former wrestler; he has the body of a trash bag stuffed with cow shit and (2) ALWAYS plays a pathetic, face-punchable shit stain (the perv high school teacher in The Devil’s Advocate, Andy on True Blood) and he hurts Heels, because of all this and because he is a 1-note actor incapable of nuance. Somebody like Willem Dafoe or Jean-Claude Van Damme could kill in this role, but I imagine they chose Chris ‘cause they could afford him.


The finale with him crapping himself was epic!


Yes. The entire season finale was epic. I loved how she grabbed the Belt. She EARNED it, and it was not scripted.

I’ve been a gym rat my whole life, so I’ve known a lot of wrestlers: free-style (like I was in school), Greco Roman, who can’t “shoot the leg,” and guys like Hulk Hogan and those in this show, who are real-time stunt people who are serious and severe athletes who put their ass on the line to entertain people and make them feel good. Is it fake? It is scripted. So is the evening news. So is every movie and TV show and novel. Does that make it bad?

Is feeling good bad?


There better be a season 2! Just sayin'.........


No news on a Season 2 as yet, but no cancellation has been announced and the producers are in negotiations with the platform. No news is good news. You can’t cancel Oliver Queen and the son of Ragnar Lothbrook.

GLOW (the reboot) ran 4 seasons. There’s hope. All things are possible with hope.

Not for nothing, who was your favorite Beatle? On balance, mine was George: not really loony, no apparent hubris, easily the best musician (NOT composer) of the 4, seemed to have his heart in a good place.

My father was a musician, so I’ve a connection with musicians. He played, composed and arranged.


Yes, I suppose there is always hope.

I feel like some shows seem to receive such high accolades and don't get me wrong, sometimes they deserve them but sometimes they don't. This show needs to be put out there more. Talked about more. Just something more...

My favourite Beatle was George! I've always felt like he never got enough credit for his talent AND he still doesn't, if that makes any sense...


He gets credit from people who actually know music.

With hope and faith, all things are possible. Without them, nothing is possible.


You are so right about this. I am watching this right now and I think it’s a great show. Every character is great. Except for Chris Bauer who gets way too much screen time.
